The Savage Gardener #123

Well, I'm back from San Diego and sunburned very badly AND I'm sick, but I
still managed to get on here for you. I'll try to get to the rest of my mail
soon. In the meantime, I'm absolutely exhausted from getting no sleep for 2
nights and so I am going to cut this short and get to the newsletter so I can
go sleep!


                                             SaVaGe NeWs

**"Crash and Burn" shoots up to #29 this week and "I Knew I Loved You" is at

**"Affirmation" jumps up one spot to #44 on the Billboard charts while "I
Knew I Loved You" drops back to #24 and "Crash and Burn" jumps all the way up
from #51 to #36


                            SaVaGe CoMmEnTs

This is a request for Savage Garden to make a live video of one of their
concerts this year. I love watching live footage and i'm sure there are
others out there who do too.
so i want to get a petition going of peoples messages and send it to the
fanzine in a couple of weeks.
You can email me- [email protected]
could you please tell people and include your name, country and type a
little message

[email protected]

Hi Lauren!

I have created a mailing list a few months ago,and I
thought it would be cool if I had even more members.
I don't know if i talk to you about that before, but
it's a trivia mailing list.
Every now and then i'm sending out a trivia question
to the list, and i give out the answer. The winner
gets nothing...hehe,it's just for fun,like that.
Sometimes i make special trivias, like, there are 3
questions and the first person to answer the 3
questions right gets something...

If anyone wanna join,the addy is at


Oh,and I also have a website, which is showing my
savage garden CDs collection...the link is

Thanks a lot!

[email protected]


                            Savage Classifieds

And I have a request for the Savage Classifieds.  I have a bunch of X-Files
stuff that I'm willing to trade for SG stuff.  I'd especially like the
Outrage mag from 1997 and the Juice mag from earlier this year.  I'll pay for
either item, if you don't like XF. =)  Thanks.

[email protected]

Are you looking for a tape of a performance, a CD, posters, or anything else
Savage-related? If so, put an ad in the new section - Savage Classifieds.
This is for any kind of merchandise for Savage Garden that you're looking for
or selling. You can put an ad in if you're looking for something, selling
something, or looking to trade something.

Remember, if you want to respond to an ad, email the person who placed it
(their email address will always be included), not me.


**Starting with issue #126, the Savage Gardener will be completely revamped
for those AOLers who are able to see pics in emails. For those who can't (or
are non-AOL based people) I'm trying to figure out a way to publish it on the
web so you can see it too, but as AOL has a hideously pathetic website
builder in which you can't do ANYTHING except what they put as a format, I
have to search around. If you know you cannot receive pics in emails, please
let me know so I can build a new address book and will not run into problems
when I try to send it out. If I try to send it out and have problems with
those who can't receive pics, I'll move their addresses into the other book
(the one that will receive the regular SGer), but as my patience level is
zero I may just get frustrated and not even bother and just delete you.

That's it for this week's issue of the Savage Gardener. I'll catch ya next

Peace, love, and Savage Garden!
Lauren ( <A HREF="mailto: [email protected]">[email protected]</A> )

                               <<<A HREF="mailto:
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                     <<<A HREF="mailto: [email protected]?subject=I have
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DISCLAIMER: I do not own Darren Hayes and/or Daniel Jones. I wish I did, but
since slavery isn't legal in the U.S. anymore, I'm outta luck. I make no
money for the "publication" of this newsletter, so if you're a nasty big
company like that dumb Hit Records, don't waste your time suing me
(especially since you're probably trying to get a chunk of Savage's earnings,
anyway). My family gets a  big laugh everytime my bank statement arrives.
Besides, my life savings consist of $2.54. The program you have just watched
contains real-life stories. The names have been changed to protect the
innocent. Is that your final answer?

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Designed/Maintained by Sarah!