All about the drummer

Full Name: Marian Edelmann
Disarranged relation: drummer
Born: November 27th, 1978
Marital Status: Girlfriend
Favorite Bands: Rage against the machine, NOFX,
               Metallica,Red Hot Chili Peppers, ...
Hometown: Leverkusen Opladen, Germany

In his Spare time Marian prefers to listen to music or

trying to invent new beats for the band. Beside this he

often sleeps till afternoon and plays playstation until he

goes to bed again. Or you find him joining a party

anywhere around his hometown.

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Greetings and thanx to:

Katrin, Sebastian S., Raffa, Sebastian H., Hinrich, Pablo, Ricky, Purca, Rainer, Andy, Armin, Frank Henn und Erika, Sebastian Blum, Alessandro Alware, my family, Angela und Micha, Beate,, Marko, Lisa, Thomas J., Alex, Zottel (fuck you asshole), Matthias S., Pima, Klaus, Birgitt, Robby, Björn, Michael Schönfeld, Nina O., Krze, Stefan Henn