All about the bass-player

Full Name: Sascha Schäppler
Disarranged relation: Bass
Born: February 15th, 1980
Marital Status: Girlfriend
Favorite Bands: Korn, Fearfactory, Long Beach Dub All
               Stars,NOFX, Sublime, ...
Hometown: Leverkusen Edelrath, Germany

In his Spare time he listens to his girlfriend and to
music,or he listens to music with his girlfriend, or he
listens to his girlfriend while she listens to his music,
after he drank a few beers and smoked some strange things
until he can't do anything else than listen to somebody or
something !

                    go back...

Greetings and thanx to:

Doc. Manthey, Zimbo, Uli (Kuss), Hähnchen, Jessi, Mrowald, Sven Kuhnt (Frontskin), Herr Stüttgen, Jan, Sebastian, Erkan, Herr Tausch, Caro, Dirty Harry, Holger Z., Hendrix J., Küstoritsch, Levent, Melly & Ingo, Mr. Kersten, Stinker (Marian E.), Patrick, Penjamin Porchers, Sascha Röhte, Marcel Petzold, Thorsten F., Adam A., Bastian Warwas, Büsser, Nina, Nadine (Makatsch), Andy F., Tingeltangel Bob, Sarah, Katrin (Marians Olle), Zottel (fuck you asshole), Frieda, Niels, Axel, mein Schwesterherz, meine liebe Oma, die Oma von meinem Vadder, meinen Vadda, und zu guter letzt die Meisterköchin und allerbeste auf der Welt, meine Mudda!