All about the singer & guitar-player:

Full Name: F. Sascha R. Seibert
Disarranged relation: Vocals and guitar
Born: April 7th, 1980
Marital Status: Taken by his girlfriend and guitar
Favorite Bands: Sublime, Mad Caddies, LBDAS, Ska-P,  
               Lagwagon,Stoned, Blink 182,
               No use for a name
Hometown: Leverkusen, Germany
Contact: [email protected]

In his Spare time he likes to write songs for the band and  
loves to discover new music. Furthermore he is passing his
time by skateboarding & surfing & dreaming of relaxing at
the beach in the sun.

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Thanx and greetings to:

Sarah, Nic the Big(Fick),Hyun-Jae An Tim "Robby" "Taler" Becker, Big Büsser, Andreas F., Nina F., Nadinieweenie, Sandra, Julia, Jana, Holger Z., Thomas G., Frieder R. and the rest of the Melodic Coreoperation, Schoob, Melanie K., Sera & the Jansons, Anna T.(VA), Nora M., Svenja B., Stefan Bondorf, Sven (Kim) Schneider, Trumpiiiieeee, Thorsten Wööölkiiiieee, Anna Weber, Kai, B. Warwas, Jörg H.,Sonja S. and my whole family!