Heart to Heart

Brian - The Cheeky One

REPORTER: Do you ever think the Backstreet Boys are toogood to be true?

BRIAN: (Chuckling) I'm not sure what you mean!Sometimes I think it's too good to be true being in one of themost popular bands in the world and having the privilege oftraveling all over the place, performing to so manywonderful people and hanging out with the best bunch ofguys. But if you mean that we're a bit too clean-cut, youprobably don't know us that well!

REPORTER: What the difference between Brian Littrelland Brian Backstreet?

BRIAN: Hmmmm... Brian Littrell is a bit more serioussometimes and thinks about stuff a little more. Because I'mwriting songs now, some of Brian Littrell comes into thewriting and sort of becomes Brian Backstreet. Also, BrianLittrell likes to sleep in more than Brian Backstreet isallowed to!


REPORTER: When was the last time you fell out with oneof the guys, and why?

BRIAN: It was with Howie, actually. On the Canadian tourwe had a fluffy toy sheep on the bus and we called itBarbara. Anyway, we used to put it in each other's beds for ajoke, and one day when I was feeling really tired and a bitgrumpy, Howie started trying to keep me awake by hitting mewith the sheep, so I just snapped at him. I regretted itafterwards. You can't stay angry with D, because he's such agreat guy. He never gets angry!

REPORTER: Have you ever felt like giving it all up andleaving the band?

BRIAN: You always have those rare occasions where you'reon your own in some hotel room a long way from home andyou're completely exhausted. You know the next day youhave to get up at like, 5am and get on a bus and travel forseven hours. Then you get to another hotel room and youthink to yourself, "Why am I doing this?" But then you do ashow and see how happy everyone is to be there and you justfeel like the luckiest guy in the world to be able to lead thatkind of life.

REPORTER: What's it like living with AJ?

BRIAN: (Thinks) Well, we're rarely at home anymore, soI've almost forgotten. We're both fairly good withhousework, though. He'll make someone a good husband oneday!

REPORTER: Which of your emotions are you most in touchwith?

BRIAN: Fear... of the next question!

REPORTER: Who was the last person you kissed?

BRIAN: Barbara the sheep! (We said 'person'!) Oh, then itwould have to be Nick's mom - on the cheek when we hookedup for Nick's birthday bash!

REPORTER: Which Backstreet Boy are you closest to, andwhy?

BRIAN: Nick, simply because we're best mates. Even thoughhe's a few years younger than me, he's like a brother to me.If I'm having a tough time, he's always there to have a goodtalk. That's what friends are for.

REPORTER: Do you miss having relationships?

BRIAN: (A little sadly) Yep. I mean, it would be really hardto keep a relationship going with our schedule. Some of ustried it in the early days, but it just didn't work out. It's notfair to expect someone to wait for you when you're awayfrom home for months on end.

REPORTER: What turns you on?

BRIAN: Girls. (He grins cheekily)

REPORTER: What's been your most passionate experienceto date?

BRIAN: Oh man! It was a long time ago, I can tell you thatmuch! (We probe deeper) It was over a year ago. I don'twant to go into details, but there was a sauna involved!

REPORTER: What's your favorite part of a woman's body?

BRIAN: Her face. I really like faces, especially eyes andmouths. But, of course, if they don't have a really goodpersonality I'm just not interested.

REPORTER: How do your religious beliefs affect your poplifestyle?

BRIAN: They don't really affect it at all, you know. Wedon't really buy into that whole rock �n� roll myth of trashinghotel rooms and stuff like that, but that's not because of ourreligious beliefs - it's just because we don't see the point oftaking advantage of our position. What's the point ofsmashing up stuff when you'll only have to pay for it in themorning?

REPORTER: Do you want to have a family one day?

BRIAN: Definitely. I could probably settle down in about tenyears' time. I'll still be making music, hopefully, but it wouldbe great to record songs during the day and then go home toa wife and kids and say, "Hi, honey, I'm home from a toughday in the studio!"

REPORTER: When did you last have a cry?

BRIAN: A couple of weeks ago when I got back to Kentuckyto see my family. It had been a long time and I'd missed thema whole lot.

REPORTER: What one thing would improve your life?

BRIAN: A subscription to Smash Hits! Apart from that?Hmm, let me think... Well, it'd be great to have a bit more tomyself so that I could just hang out at home and see myfamily and friends more than I do at present. But really,being in the Backstreet Boys is like having a second family,and I wouldn't change that for anything.

source Smash Hits

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