Is Backstreet Boy Brian really the little Angel he pretends to be?
We think maybe not

What if.......?

.... one of the others said they wanted to leave the band?
What if? I really don't think that would happen.... (oi, use your imagination) Okay, ifit did I think we'd have a meeting with everyone to find out why they wantedto leave. Then we'd try to make it not happen - we'd make them realise thateverybody is a major part of the Backstreet Boys and if one person left then wewouldn't be the Backstreet Boys anymore. We'd probably still stay together. Ijust really don't see that happening - we get along too well! I just can't use myimagination for this one!

.... you woke up one morning and found you'd forgotten how tosing?
I'd have to try and learn again! I'd get with the guys and say, 'Look, we got aproblem here! I forgot how to sing!' I'd have to start taking lessons and get itback together. I enjoy this too much to get a job doing anything else!

.... Gary Barlow asked you to record a duet with him?
I think we would do it. Yeah, we'd love to do it.....

.... the offer's only to you, not the rest of the band!
We'd have to do it as a group! I just think it's a little too early for us to be doingsolo stuff. We're concentrating on the group because we want to bearound for a long time. Maybe four years down the road one of us might do solostuff, but we want to always be together. Mind you, I think it'd be really neat to do asong with him!

.... you were told you'd be the biggest-selling artist in the world, but youwouldn't be able to back to America ever again?
I'd have to pass on it! My family's there. Home is home, it doesn't matterwhere you're from - home is where the heart is!

.... a mad nutter of a fan was stalking you?
I'd probably confront her or him and ask them why. I'd try to get to the bottom of it,because when something like that happens, it's not a very good situation to be in,is it? I could maybe get security to get 'em! I'd have to talk with them and find outexactly what they wanted. I can think of one or two times when girls have been a bitextreme and tackled one of us - it can get kinda fearsome! It's all out ofliking us, but they don't seem to realise what they're doing!

.... your girlfriend told you, 'It's the band or me?
If my girlfriend said that, I'd have to tell her, 'Time will tell, but I have to do thingsfor myself right now.' I mean, this is what I have to make of my life!

.... you were offered the leading role in a Hollywood
a leading role is important, but touring with the group is more so - if a major tour wasgoing on I could hardly cancel! Whatever is meant to be is meant to be... ifyou're offered one movie you can always get offered another one. I believe infate!

.... you had a one night stand and the girl sold her story to thepapers?
What if I didn't have the one night stand and some girl still sold her story to thethe papers! It's just not me to have a one night stand. I really don't approve of that kindof situation. That's something you have to take in hand - it can be a really stickysubject! We're in control of our lives and we want things to stay positive, so we can'tlet something like that happen which would make the fans see us in a bad light. I justdon't think it's worth it.

.... OK then, what if there was a false kiss and tell story about you in the tabloids would you go to the papers and tell them your side of the story?
Oh yeah! You have to protect yourself and if something is wrong then you should saysomething. If it's something small then it's not worth it, but if it's something that'sgetting of hand then you're the getting hurt and you should fight back! That's what Ithink anyway!


Blimey, Brian, you really arebit of a nice guy!

source TV Hits