TV HITS Up Close and Personal with Brian

TV HITS: Okay Bri, we know you are a bit of a clown,but we also know you are a deep person....
BRIAN: Yeah, I guess you cansay I am. I think aboutthings a lot and, as you well know, I certainly like to talk! Isuppose during interviews it�s a chance to really expressyourself because the interviewer is going to write downexactly what you say - not the way you look, or the way youcome across, so you have got to make it count. I do thinkabout things a lot and I want people to see that side of me aswell as all the mucking about.

TV HITS: How much do you give away in interviews?
BRIAN: I think I�m very honest. I don�t really haveanything to hide. Of course, there are some things thateveryone has to have their private time. You need to keepsomething for yourself for your own sanity.


TV HITS: So how much of your life do you think thepublic should have access to?
BRIAN: They should definitely know who we are as people.It�s important to me that fans know what sort of person I amand what I�m all about. It�s not that I want them to follow meor do as I do, but I hope I set a good example.

TV HITS: You really care about people, but do yousometimes find you have to be a bit aloof?
BRIAN: Yeah, I definitely can�t get as personal as I�d like,but it�s more to do with lack of time than the restrictions ofthe band. I particularly hate the fact that I can�t spend asmuch time with the fans now, although I always stop for achat whenever I can.

TV HITS: Are there certain things that being aBackstreet Boy stops you doing?
BRIAN: In the beginning I was a lot more timid about whatI did, but as I�ve got older I think people want to know thereal me, so I�m a lot more relaxed in public and if I reallywant to do something, I�ll do it. It�s not about being a rebel,it�s just about enjoying life.

TV HITS: Are you good at hiding your feelings?
BRIAN: Sometimes - it depends what sort of mood I�m in.We are being watched a lot of the time, so you know whenit�s the right time to let your emotions go. But if you reachthat breaking point it�s time to do it behind closed doors. Iget down like everybody else, but I try to keep it in control.

TV HITS: But say it all got too much, would you go to atherapist?
BRIAN: Hmmmm, it depends how bad off I was - if I reallyfelt I had things to get off my chest and I didn�t haveanybody to turn to then I probably would talk to aprofessional. Every problem has a solution, but people dealwith them differently. I tend to take the more lightheartedapproach, but I�m lucky I haven�t experienced anythingreally bad, and I feel I�ve always got people around me whoare willing to listen.


TV HITS: Do you ever worry about getting too close topeople?
BRIAN: No, I�m a warm kinda guy - I like getting to knowpeople. All the stuff about kiss �n� tell stories just doesn�tbother me. You can�t waste your life worrying someone�sgoing to run off and tell the whole world about you - you�dnever enjoy yourself if you did. Those stories happenanyway, whether or not you have actually done anything.

TV HITS: You are seen as the joker of the band, so arethere two different sides to you?
BRIAN: Yeah, I suppose there are. I think the real me isthe comedian, but I have got another side and when I�mtalking about my emotions or how I am on the inside, I liketo get into more detail. I do try to show my funny side whenI�m on stage or when I�m with the fans because I wantpeople to see the happy me as that�s what I am 99 percent ofthe time.

TV HITS: So do you get days when you just don�t wantto be funny?
BRIAN:Yeah, there are days when I wake up and I haven�thad enough sleep, or I�ve just got out of the wrong side of thebed and I�ve got a huge chip on my shoulder, and likeanyone else I can be a real grouch. The guys are like,"What�s wrong with you?" and I�m like (in very grumpyvoice and face), "I ain�t in a good mood, leave me alone!"and we�ve been together long enough for them to know whento back off. But everyone has days like that - it�s just that I�mmore on the lighthearted side of things most of the time.

TV HITS: When you�re out, are you always aware ofpeople staring at you?
BRIAN: I�m the type of person who�s really aware of thingsthat are going on around me - like, I can completely hear theconversation Howie�s having over there. It�s really weird,but I�m totally aware of everyone and everything around me.Like, we were on stage recently and I spotted this personwith a video camera way out in the audience and, of course,you�re not allowed to video the show. So I ran to Randy atthe side of the stage and told him to grab it. It�s like whenI�m out I�m always aware of people with cameras and stuff -we have to be because of the position we are in now.

TV HITS: Now you�re so successful, do you think you�redrawn to the "beautiful people"?
BRIAN: I guess we�re kinda put on pedestals and thrown inwith some of the more "elite" people. Like, when we were inLA a couple weeks ago, the record company got our nameson the door of the Sky Bar, which is the most exclusive clubin the town, so I guess just by being in there we werecatapulted to this sort of "high position". It was really funny,actually, �cause Cindy Crawford walked past us and Howiewas like "Huuuu, huuuuuuuuu!". He couldn�t breathe, itwas really cool. But it is weird because you�re an entertainer- you�re put in that position and we know we�re no differentor better than anybody else.

TV HITS: You always look so at ease when you�re onTV. Have you ever thought about taking it any further?
BRIAN: I don�t see why not! I mean, I�ve never takenacting lessons or anything, but I reckon it�d be really cool tobe a VJ, or even star in a Jim Carrey flick or something.Actually, we�re already in talks about doing a BackstreetBoys movie. We want it to be kinda off the wall, a bit like theBatman films, all gothic. I don�t want to reveal too muchbecause we�re still looking for proper funds for it, but it�sbased on the comic books Nick�s working on. We will do it,but I just don�t know how long it�s going to take.

TV HITS: You�re an intelligent bloke - do you everfancy going back to college?
BRIAN: I would love to if our schedule ever got morelaid-back! I�d like to get a teachers� degree in physicaleducation or something. I love sport and I reckon it�d be funto help out at schools whenever I had time, as a substituteteacher - I wouldn�t expect to be paid, I�d just like to go intohigh schools to be involved with the kids. It�d be cool,though, because maybe being the person I am they might getkind of a shock when I walk onto the playing field!

TV HITS: What do you think will be the cause of theBackstreet Boys breaking up?
BRIAN: You know, I honestly don�t know! I suppose it�sjust so far from our minds at the moment. Yeah, we havefights, but we all want to achieve the same things. If we evergot to the point where we felt we were so successful that wecouldn�t achieve any more, then we�d have to think about it.Of course, there is the prospect of solo careers...We all wantto do it at some stage and I must admit, some of us have hadoffers already. It�s no big deal right now - the main thing forus at the moment is to concentrate on getting this right. It�sgoing to be a long time before we think about calling it quits....

source TV Hits