B-Jeez! Will the Dreaded Smash Hits Biscuit Tin Send Brian Backstreetoff his B-Roker?

Have you ever lied to get what you wanted ?
Erm yeah. Sometimes you play that game with your parents & say," Well, Dad said it was OK" or "Mom said it was OK". Normally I get caught cosI can't really pull a swift one on my mom & dad. Another I did recently was try to get some jeans from our wardrobe department. I told one of the stylists that another person had said it was OK - but word got back !


Who was the last member of the band you had a row with & what was it about ?
I had an argument with Nick about 3 days ago. We were playing a footballvideo game & I. beat him, so he got mad & we had a little tiff. He was just disappointed &took it out on me. We're both pretty sore losers, though !

Where do babies come from ?
Erm, a mother's womb. (giggles)

Do you have a girlfriend ?
No, I don't. Sometimes people say they haven't got one when they have cos they'reworried they'll lose fans. We all date girls, but we're kinda married to what we'redoing right now. I tried to have a relationship about a year ago but it fell through. It'stough-

What does your bedroom look like ?
It's got clothes everywhere & a queen-size bed. There's a bunch of gold records up onthe wall & a bunch of awards by the window. I don't have curtains in my room - Ihave blinds that you twist.

How much was your last mobile phone bill ?
I don't know ! Probably a couple of hundred pounds. Somebody takes care of it forme. It's hard to keep track cos we're never home & our bills come through our office.I'm sure they're probably several hundred pounds. We spend a lot of time on thephone to our friends & family to let people know where we are & when we're cominghome.

Imagine you're holding a book containing all the secrets of the universe - whatcolour is its cover ?
It would be dark blue, because blue is normally the colour of the sky, It would be a bitdarker because of the fact that it has all the knowledge in it, so it would have to havedepth. (Er, that's sorted then !

Would you ever pose, naked for charity ?
No, I don't think so. I don't think posing nude is a good idea, even for charity. I mean,maybe I'd show a little bit, but not everything.

When was the last time you had a snog ?
We were in Spain & this gift said, "Two kisses, please !" I leaned down & shesmacked me on the lips. (goes all giggly again), so if you consider that a snog ....(Sorry, Bri, you'll have to do better than that. )OK, OK ! The last time I had a proper snog ? It's been a while .....


Who's the best singer in the band ?
You'll have to ask the fans ! I think we're all equally talented. We know each others'style & what each other can do & can't do, so it's easy to listen to a song & picturewho will do which pans. We all chip in & that's what the Backstreet Boys are allabout.

Who was the last person to tell you off ?
(Thinks for ages) I don't honestly remember. Does Denise (AJ's mum who travels withthe boys) ever tell me off ? No, but she tells AJ off !

Do you believe in life after death, ?
I believe that your spirit lives on after you die, not like a physical lifeform but youcontinue living as much as possible after death. (Er, OK .... ) I believe in heaven &hell, and that if your spirit goes to heaven you will be well again, not in a physicalsense but in life in general. (Eh?!)

What was your last dream about ?
It was about being up on stage in a concert & there were lots of people in theaudience. I forgot the words to a particular song but I can't remember which one, Allthe guys were looking at me like I was a fool - I have a bug fear of doing that for real.

When was the last time you wanted to die of embarrassment ?
We were doinga tour of the US & we were wearing overalls. The top half was folded over & I had abelt holding them up. Somehow or other, my belt came undone &, slowly but surely,my overall started sliding down my butt as I danced. I was just thinking" Oh no, I'mshowing everyone my knickers!"

Have you ever cheated on a girl ?
Erm ? no. I think all guys like to flirt justas girls do. But if l'm going out with someone, that's the person I'm with. Everybodydoes crazy things to get attention, but I don't consider that cheating.


How important is it to your job that you're good-looking ?
Well, from thepoint of view of our fans, I don't know if we've been round long enough for them notto worry' what we look like ~ It's to our benefit to look decent - it might make peoplewant to listen to our music.

Would you go solo for ten million quid ?
Erm, yeah. I'd do a solo album forten million pounds. (You'd leave 'em for good'?) No, no, no, no! Doing a solo album isnot necessarily leaving ~ I could still be a Backstreet Boy Ten million pounds in alot in dollars !

Where is the weirdest place you've bad a snog ?
Wow ! Maybe in the closet ofan airport. (There's some confusion, but we eventually work out that he means acloakroom !) Yeah, a cloakroom ! A cloakroom ? I've never heard that before Itsounds funny

Who's the rudest pop star you've ever met ?
One, of the nicest was WillSmith. (Hey, that's not what we asked !) I don't know really. At first, thought the guysfrom Hanson weren't that nice, but when we actually spoke to them we found out theywere. When we first met 'em, they didn't really talk a lot so I got the wrongimpression.

What does God look like ?
I haven't seen him, so I couldn't tell you, but Ipicture him as being very presentable, I don't know if he has a beard or not. (Burstsinto giggles again .) I guess he shaves regularly !

Source Smash Hits Magazine.

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Brian Thomas Littrell ~ The Golden Voiced Backstreet Boy
- Established Jan 1999 -