Which Backstreet Boy is your perfect Match

Take our exclusive quiz, tally up your answers and seewhich Boy you are most compatible with! No cheating!!!

BSB quiz

1, When you can grab a spare moment you like to:
a) do some shopping at the mall, then catch a movie.
b) play every single video game you can get your hands on.
c) shoot some hoops and/or get exercise in any way you can think of.
d) lift weights and brush up on your water sports skills.
e) toss the 'big pigskin" around, then catch a few waves.

2, Your idea of a perfect meal is:
a) fast food: going to the local McDonald's and chewing down on aburger and some fries.
b) the Italian approach: a large pizza topped with the works andshared with your best buds.
c) the or family meal: macaroni and cheese, homemade the oldfashoned way
d) Chinese takeout: chicken fried rice, two egg rolls and a fortune cookie
e) Fiesta!: a couple tacos, maybe some bean and cheese burritoes and of course thechips and salsa.

3, The movie you went to the theater ten times to see, rented adozen more times and finally ended up buying was:
a) Pulp Fiction
b) Aliens
c) School Ties
d) Willie Wonka and the Chocolate Factory
e) Top Gun

4. If you could choose any one instrument to play (or you already play one) itwould be:
a) saxophone
h) drums
c} trumpet
d) guitar
e) piano

5. Heightwise, you like a guy to be
a) just above average
b) lean and long-limbed
c) short 'n sweet
d) absolutely average
e) tall and terrific

6. What you are attracted to in a guy:
a) a fun-loving, outgoing hunky ham!
b) a thoughtful, funny, fine-lookin' dude!
c) an active, happy, sporty stud!
d) a romantic homebody whose first priority is to please others.
e) a quiet, reflecting, sensitive music-lover.

7. The closest description to you:
a) long-haired, long-nailed, cheerful, humorous and relaxed.
b) sweet, owner of a good head and not a big fan of make-up.
c) intelligent, ambitious. athletic and trustworthy.
d) open. a communicator, easygoing and a lover of life.
e) casual about clothes. but serious about life and relationships.

8. Your idea of a "perfect date" is:
a) first catching the latest Dustin Hoffman flick, then shooting somepool.
b) taking a motorboat ride, fishing, and reading poetry.
c) going on a long walk on the beach and watching the sun go down.
d) a long conversation over a candlelit dinner.
e) shooting hoops, then sitting down at the piano to play and writemusic.

9. You most like:
a) purple clothing and members of the opposite sex!
b)Beavis and Butt-head and Nirvana music.
c) Boyz II Men and cats.
d) dancing and math.
e) the colour blue and being left alone.

10. Your pet peeve:
a) people who take things too seriously.
b) algebra.
c) heights.
d) dishonesty.
e) discomfort.

Source Starz Magazine.

Quiz Answers