Top Of The Pops Interview.

Q: You're looking great, how are you feeling?
Pretty good overall, but slightly tired too. We've been on tour all over the US and Canada and it's been a hard slog.

Q: Have you worked Non-stop this summer?
Pretty much! We had some time off when Brian was in surgery but even then the rest of us did some writing. That was the longest break we'd had in four years.

Q: Brian you certainly look very well. How do you feel?
Fine, I'm totally better now.

Q: It must have been a firghtening ordeal...
Sure. What really hurt were the rumours about me leaving. They said that after my surgery I was no longer going to be a Backstreet Boy. I've never spoken about leaving the group! If people wanna take a blow at me then talk about something else - don't say I'm leaving.

Q: How did the rest of you feel during Brian's illness?
Scared. Technology has made leaps and bounds since he was little and open heart surgery is more or less a rountine thing now, But the doctors still take a big chance whenever they stop the heart. They've gotta make sure they can start it up again.

Q: Where were you while Brian was in surgery?
We'd just come back from the World Music Awards. In fact we were mid flight.
Kevin:As soon as we landed in Orlando I rang the hospital to check up on Brian and then flew to visit him. I wanted to see him as soon as possible.

Q: How long were you in hospital for Brian?
Five days. I went home to Kentucky to rest up and then back down to Orlando to start physiotherapy

source TOTP magazine

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Brian Thomas Littrell ~ The Golden Voiced Backstreet Boy
- Established Jan 1999 -