The hottest hunks on the rock and roll road last summer were far and away the Backstreet Boys! It was their mesmerizing musical homecoming after nearly two years of wowing fans - and earning dozens of gold and platinum awards! - overseas! But 1998 was also a time of great personal trauma for the Backstreet Boys - most especially Brian Littrell - and it's only after getting through their glorious summer that the Boys were even able to put it all into words.


The first news came at the end of 1997 when Brian, during a regular annual checkup, was told that the hole in his heart with which he was born had become large enough to present some very serious problems. Brian had nearly died at the age of five because of a massive infection that affected his heart and revealed a congenital condition, so he knew a day might come when he had to deal with it. But when the day came, he was still a bit startled. How was he going to handle this.

Brian, being a strong guy to begin with, tried to take all the news in stride. In fact, with doctors permission, he opted not to have surgical repair done there and then, but instead continued touring with the Backstreet Boys. Not until the groups schedule allowed for a break, did Brian make the appointment for the operation that would fix his heart. It was all pretty routine up to that point, but as the day of the operation drew closer last spring, Brian's emotions - and his fellow Backstreet Boys emotions - began to reveal themselves.


Nick, one of Brian's closest friends in the group, couldn't keep his concern about his buddy under wraps. He even admitted thinking about the worst case scenario. Afterwards he revealed " I couldn't picture life without him. Thank God everything turned out the way it did." Howie, who's incredibly sensitive, did everything he could to be supportive. AJ used some of his humor to keep things moving. "...Brian was holding alot inside. It wasn't a good dinner topic." And Brian's cousin, Kevin, spent alot of time being quiet, as is his way, and being incredibly concerned. At some level, Kevin still hadn't gotten over the loss of his father just a few years ago - to have anything happen to Brian would be unbearable.


As for Brian, he kept a stiff upper lip. He didn't want his loved ones to be upset. After his surgery was deemed a total success, he was able to reveal that it was with his family, in the days before his operation, that he voiced his greatest fears. Brian, who like his cousin Kevin, keeps alot of his emotions private, found himself talking about his most intimate feelings with his family. He even told his mom "to take care of dad" should the operation not go well. It was a very scary and profound moment in Brian's life. He and his family prayed and so did his buds in the Backstreet Boys.

If Brian looked particularly happy during the Boys summer tour, it's because he had overcome his enormous physical and personal challenge. Doctors gave him a clean bill of health, made sure there was a medic and oxygen backstage at each show just in case Brian needed a little extra air, and the shows did go on! Having come through the scariest time of his life during which he really knew the risks involved, Brian was enjoying every moment - and proving what a trooper and team player he really can be!

source Unknown magazine article

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Brian Thomas Littrell ~ The Golden Voiced Backstreet Boy
- Established Jan 1999 -