We asked you what you wanted to know. And then we asked them! Congratulations - you're about to interview the Backstreet Boys...


Now you've conquered the US, what other ambitions do you have?
Joanne Brown, Glasgow.
The main thing is just for us to enjoy what we are doing and make better music. I've just completed a couple of new songs which, hopefully, will wind up on the next record. I'd love for us all to be able to take a long break sometime soon, but on the other hand we're looking forward to touring and seeing our friends in the UK."

Will your recent operation restrict your movements on stage. If so, will this cause the abnd to split?
No, absolutely not! I feel great now!

What would you like to call your children?
Sashka, London
"That's like a different life time, so I haven't thought about that. My dad's name is Harold, so I kind of like Harry for a boy, but I'm not certain."

What's the most embarrassing thing you've ever done, either before going on stage or after?
Karen Chase, Grimsby
"The US tour is the show we had in the UK and we've done it so many times that we don't usually mess up. But I used to get my shirt caught on the equipment, or slip over a wire or stand too close to a pyrotechnic effect!"

Near the end of Backstreets Back, why are you sitting on the floor looking around, whilst the others are all mid-dance?
Nadia and Ayesha Thomas, Middlesex
"That was sooo funny - I fell over! I just totally slipped and sat there on my butt looking stunned And the director left it in the vid! I just laugh my head off every time I see it!"

You have a great song called 10,000 Promises. What is the biggest promise you have made but failed to keep?
Groinne Lundrigan, Manchester
"lt's really Kevin's song so you should ask him. For me, I don't tend to break promises. Except when I was a kid and I broke some little ones, you know, like everyone does, I was always, like, 'Yeah, Mom, I promise I did my homework and I promise I'll tidy my room.' Yeah, right!"

Why are the girls in your videos so perfect with long legs and tiny waists?
Louise, Forbes, Aberdeen "I can't really explain this one because often we don't get involved in the casting of the videos. With the 'Everybody' vid it was important to get people who could do the dance routine over and over again and to do that I guess you need to be pretty fit."

Big Magazine.

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Brian Thomas Littrell ~ The Golden Voiced Backstreet Boy
- Established Jan 1999 -