On Tour With Brian ~ TV Hits Special

As the joker of the band, Brian always keeps up team spirits when the Boys are on tour!

Brian is always joking around when the boys are on the road. Sometimes he'll just throw himself on the floor and start rolling around in fits of laughter! "I like to make people laugh by pulling funny faces or tripping and falling over. Sometimes I hurt myself, but who cares!"

Like Nick, Brian plays jokes on the other Boys all the time when they're on tour, and once threw Nick out of their dressing room wearing only his underwear! The poor guy was hurled right into the middle of a group of fans who'd sneaked backstage! Hmmm. Why weren't we there?!

Brian likes getting to meet the fans when he's on tour, "lt's nice when I do get the chance to meet girls if we've been on tour for a while - it's great to talk to people who aren't in the band!"


Cool crooner Brian sees touring as a learning process for the band. "Tour after tour you tend to grow really quickly, which is good because you don't want to get stuck in the same groove."

Brian says he'd love to take 'speedy' actress Sandra Bullock on tour with the Boys Maybe it's because of her talent for stopping runaway buses?

Frick (aka Brian) can't survive on tour without peanut butter and jam sandwiches, and he's a sucker for macaroni cheese, too!

The Boys' guitarist, Lenny, has been giving Brian some top tips on how to strum like a pro while they've been on tour. Apparently Brian is a natural and can pick out a tune in seconds! Clever fellow.

Let's hope Brian remembers what he's meant to be singing on this tour. One of his most embarrassing moments was when he was on stage in the U.S. and forgot the words to a song! "I was just going, 'Wooh, wooh,' instead of singing the words. I just totally blanked!"


Although Brian loves touring, he says he doesn't want to be on the road forever. "I hope to have a family in a couple of years to share my life with," he says. "So I want to make sure that in the future I can take loads of time off to spend at home." What a sweetie!

The band spend lots of time on the bus when they're on tour. At the moment Brian's using any spare time he gets to write new songs for the Backstreet Boys' third album.

Brian has to take it a little easy because of a heart condition which he's had since he was a kid. He's having surgery after this tour finishes, so he might not be jumping around quite as much as usual when you see him perform. (And of course we all know by now that Brian has made a strong recovery from that!!!)

Brian relaxes by sitting up front on the tour bus, checking out the scenery and listening to his CDs. "It's the only time I get to chill when we're on the road," he says.

Brian has a secret method of avoiding being grabbed by fans when the Boys leave the tour bus - he pushes Nick out first! "We all try to get off the bus with him," he says. "We push him out first so we can all walk right on past!" Sneaky - he's supposed to be your mate!

Brian sees being on tour as a good time to save money! But he won't be leaving too much cash around his hotel room during this tour - he had 150 pounds stolen from a hotel room in Europe last year, but luckily the thieves were caught and Brian got his cash back.

Brian likes to break up long journeys on the tour bus by watching a good movie. His faves are action flicks like Mission: Impossible.

Brian gets his biggest buzz when he's performing on stage. He loves seeing the fans grinning back at him when he smiles at them - "It's an awesome feeling," he says. So don't forget to say "cheese" if Brian looks your way!

Brian's noticed that whenever he finally gets some free time after a tour, he always falls ill! "It sounds odd, but when we have time off, it seems like our immune systems fail and we get sick! Our friends will call us and say, 'You have a week off? That's great!' But I've have gone down with pneumonia!"

After a show, Brian will either chill out alone in his room or go out with a load of people, depending on his mood and how tired he is.

Sometimes Brian gets homesick on the road and has been known to shed a tear or two when things've got on top of him. Aaaaahhh!

Like his mate Nick, Brian's not too hot on all the flying the Boys have to do on tour. He remembers one flight in Germany, on a tiny six-seater plane , which he thought would be the Boys' last! "It was really stormy he says. "The wind whipped us around in the air and the plane dived! My stomach churned and I thought I was going to be sick!" Now he always kisses his fist and taps it against the plane when he flies to bring him luck. Fingers cross, Brian!

source TV Hits Hot BSB Tour Special

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