Brian's 1999 Horoscope


In Love
Dreamy Pisceans love to lose themselves in romance. They hate the real world and prefer to live in a fairy tale where everyone is happy. Brian, with his love planet Venus, and the expansive planet Jupiter, all in emotional Pisces, would do anything to create a perfect love. Romeo and Juliett here we come! He'd be so sensitive with such high expectations that it would be easy to crush this delicate puppy! He needs someone who will protect him from the baddies who'd be there for him when reality hits. What he needs is a fairy princess with her feet firmly planted on the ground.

At Home
Keeping things tidy is too much to ask. But Pisceans also hate arguments. To get them motivated, tell them how fantastic you'd feel if they did something for you. All a Piscean wants is peace and harmony, and Brian would do anything to keep his family happy. His intuition would make him the best pacifier, and he'd usually know the perfect thing to do to cheer people up. But every now and then he's need time on his own. When a Piscean closes their bedroom door, leave them alone! It's no secret that Brian is highly talented and he'd be in his element entertaining anyone and everyone.

As a Friend
A Piscean is everyone's mate ~ they'll go out of their way to cheer any soul. If you're feeling negative, go find your fishy friend ~ they believe in magic and can make friends feel that anything's possible. When they're feeling social, they love to party ~ music dance and a good laugh are their favourite things. They're not limelight hoggers though. Getting distracted is always easy for a Piscean, so don't get mad if they're late ~ just accept that that's part of them.

source TV Hits Australia Magazine

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Brian Thomas Littrell ~ The Golden Voiced Backstreet Boy
- Established Jan 1999 -