They�ve got to be the most famous cousins in pop- and here, exclusively for TV HITS, Brian and Kevin Backstreet interview each other on the Kentucky connection.


Brian gets personal with Kevin

Brian and Kevin

So Kev, what�s your earliest memory of me?

I remember going to your house to play with you and your brother Harold, who�s the same age as me. Sometimes you both used to come and play on our farm and you used to bring all you toys with you. I can also really remember the time when you were in hospital because of your heart problems, but I wasn�t allowed to visit because I was too small.

Do you remember our favourite game?

Sure! We always plays Star Wars. I was always Darth Vader and Harold was Luke Skywalker, but we never wanted you to play because you were still too young! But whenever we picked on you, Harold and I used to get told off by our parents! We also had a cassette player that we used to record songs onto- actually I�ve still got those tapes. Sometimes we�d just talk into it, or we acted as if we were in a pop group and tried to do it professionally, like with harmonies and everything- man, that brings back memories.

What was your favourite toy?

My BMX bike. They�d just come onto the market and I thought I was so cool with this bike. I rode it everywhere, and I thought everyone was so jealous of me on my cool, new BMX!

Did we ever fight?

When you got a new toy Harold and I used to take it away from you just to annoy you, but we never really used to fight because there was such a big age gap between us- it wouldn�t really have been fair, would it?

What do you like best about me?

I like the way you approach everything in a relaxed way, although sometimes you�re just too darn relaxed! When I�m stressed I become totally serious, but when you�re stressed you just crack a couple of jokes and it really relaxes the situation. Plus you have a fantastic voice.

Ok what makes you cross with me?

Hmmmm, I guess everything I�ve just said can be reversed as well. I�m sometimes too serious and you�re sometimes too childish. Sometimes you don�t realise just serious things are at that moment.

Would you say we�re more like brothers or friends?

Both, I think. Obviously, we do have our disagreements and we tend to fll out more quickly �cos we�re family. But I guess you always fall out with family quicker than with friends, because at the end of the day, you know you�ll always love that person.

What really annoys you aboutme?

(laughing) it makes me furious when I say something and you go totally ironically, "Wow, that sounds really grown up! You must know a great deal about like- yes, you must be really grown up!" Grrr! That really does my head in. I do know what you mean but it makes me want to scream!

When did you realise you could really trust me?

Well, I�ve always known I can tell you absolutely anything. But now, depending on what the problem is I know I can go to the other guys as well- you�re all good for talking to about different things.

When we fall out, who normally makes the first move?

Usually we don�t even have to talk about it, do we? Especially �cos we�re constantly together- I always know if you�re having a bad day and vice versa, which is when you tend to fall out more. If it�s a big problem we�ll sit down and talk about it, but normally it�s easier to forget it and carry on.




Now Kevin interrogates Brian�

So what�s your first memory of me?

I think it was when I was about five years old and I was at your house. Your brother, Jerald, always took part in horse displays and he used to have this sand course where he trained his horses, and where they used to run round in circles there was a really deep track. One day it�d rained really hard and the course was very muddy so we thought it�d be great fun to run through the mud- which practically came up to our knees- in our swimming trunks. We looked like total mucky pups! Also I really remember a little pond behind your house which we always used to play near.

What was your favourite game?

Well, I was never allowed to play Star Wars with you because I was too little, but I always wanted to! In the summer we played with our toy soldiers on the volleyball court at your dad�s. You had these little green plastic soldiers which you�d bought yourself. I even remember you got a pack of 100 for a quarter of a dollar! We used to have great fights- I loved it when we�d set our soldiers and all the armies attacked each other, then I�d jump in the middle and �bomb� them- i.e. kick them everywhere! I also remember us going crazy, jumping up and down on our beds like lunatics. And you�d cut out the bottom from an old garbage can and nailed it to your bedroom wall so we could play basketball with it!

And what was your favourite toy?

I loved my bicycle more than anything! I got it as a present on the day I was discharged from hospital when I was five. I still remember exactly how I sat in front of our house, just admiring it for ages. It was yellow and red and had a banana seat! I was soooo proud!

Ok then, what do you like best about me?

I like it when you play the piano. I always wish I�d learnt to play like you did, when you were about nine. But you always had your goals in sight, and in contrast to me, you were already thinking about your future even then.
I reckon if I�d started to play the piano as a child, I�d have done it for a couple of months and then got bored! By 13 you were playing piano at every opportunity, especially at family parties or christmas time. I wish I�d been that committed, �cos sometimes I think I�m just too silly and childish. But when I look at you and see your serious, strong personality, I know you�re happy with where you�re at, and I really admire that.

So, do you think we�re more like brothers or friends?

I guess I�d say a bit of both as well- we grew up almost like brothers, but I can talk to you about things I might not talk about with my brother.

What makes your blood boil about me?

Sometimes I feel you begrudge us our fun. Like, when me and nick fight and you break it up immediately- and not in a soft tone, I might add! That can make me annoyed! But on the other hand, I also understand why you act like that.

When did you realise you could trust me completely?

I�ve always known I could, because you�re both my brother and my friend. Also I can feel it, because we have an inner understanding.

Who do you reckon makes the first move when we fall out?

Hmmmm, sometimes it�s you and sometimes it�s me, but mostly we get together and talk about it. Even if we don�t sort it out immediately, sooner or later it�ll be straightened out and things�ll get back to normal again! Source TVHits(UK)

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Brian Thomas Littrell ~ The Golden Voiced Backstreet Boy
- Established Jan 1999 -