Glad to see you're better now. What was the worst thing about being in hospital?
Not being able to see the people I wanted to and having to lie in bed ll the time, I wanted to be outside playing basketball! I had my own private room which was nice because I got plenty of rest. When I was feeling better I went home and rested up, watching TV and playing computer games.

Tell us about the hospital food.
It was BAD! Eurgh! They served up broccoli which I hate. I threw it in the bin every time.


We hear you've bought a big new house. How is it?
Great, it's my home. I finally have something which is real. It's security. I've quite enjoyed getting bits and pieces of furniture together and making it into a proper home.

How did you find time to go house hunting?
My mum met with the estate agent, she told them what I was looking for so they went and did the hard work themselves. I'd be homeless without my mother. Actually my mum and dad just drove down to Florida yesterday and ordered my washer dryer.

Give us a guided tour.
Well, it's a bit ot a mess! I've got a lot of gold and platinum records which I've still gotta hang up and my office isn't quite straight yet - it's actually a bedroom which I'm going to turn into an office. The house is eight years old so it's been around for a while and it's in a nice area away from everybody. It's like you're driving out into the country. I mean it's in Florida but at the same time it's not in downtown Orlando which is (does traffic noise) too noisy. The whole community is really quiet and nice. I've tried to keep my name out of as many directories as possible cos I don't want peopile finding out my number.

What's your favourite room?
My studio, definitely. It's quite a bare room with a mini mixing desk, guitars and easy chair. I could sit in there for hours strumming my guitar. it's so relaxing.


What's your least favourite household chore?
Doing the laundry. One of the good things about staying in hotels is that you just hand over your dirty washing to the housemaid and it comes back a few hours later pressed and clean. I just can't get used to doing my own washing. And as for ironing - well, don't even think about it!

When did you last rebel against your hectic BSB schedule?
A few months ago. In one weekend we'd flown from Orlando to New York and rehearsed all day long. Then that night we got on the private jet to go to Jamaica. The following night after doing a gig there we flew straight back to New York. Then on to Orlando to do a benefit concert, which raised $200,000 for the victims of the tornado in Florida. Then the next day we flew from Orlando to Dublin. As you can imagine we were shattered. We were meant to have a full day's rehearsal but we had to sleep, man. So we backed out of it and said, 'No way! Night night!'

It would be an understatement to say you've got quite a few fans out there. Do you have to take a minder with you when you nip to the toilet?
No. There have been times when we've been outnumbered by fans. We've been penned in places where we've had to leave one by one. When we were in Chile we weren't allowed to leave the hotel. That was fiustrating, We were like caged rats so we made an arrangements to go to a club. Everything was fine while we were there but on the way back Howie got kind of messed up. He was scratched and mauled and one girl tried to chop his ponytail off. He showed me his war wounds the next morning."

Are you planning any duets with any other artists?
Jennifer Lopez. She's been in loads of films like Anaconda, and tons of music videos. She's just signed a deal with Sony in America.

What's your opinion of the All Saints?
I like some of their music and they've got great style. They're doing pretty good in the States too but I haven't seen them live yet. Maybe we'll get the chance when we're touring through Europe.

How about Cleopatra?
They're great dancers, they perform great music. I'd say they have a very successful future ahead of them.

Finally, any BSB in-jokes?
We've got tons of Beanie Babies on the bus coz Nick's collecting those. I'm just so not into them. Fans throw them on stage and give them to him because they knowH,i,', he's mad about them. He's got hundreds of them and they get in the way so we've been threatening to throw them out the window.

Source: Top of The Pops

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Brian Thomas Littrell ~ The Golden Voiced Backstreet Boy
- Established Jan 1999 -