Larger Than Life - On Set Gossip

*AJ suffered a panic attack while shut in his plastic pod during filming. he told us it was the combination of being wrapped in clingfilm while dry ice was being pumped into the confined space that caused him to beg the crew to let him out. So you won't be making the clingwrap look a regular thing AJ?

*The stylists were umming and ahhing for ages over Nick's hairdo. In one scene they planned on attaching a long blonde ponytail to his own locks. (A bit like Mel had on the Spice Girls tour) but in the end they opted for the shorter sprouty pineapple look.

*The Boys tats were out for the laydeez. Check out the photos closely and you'll spot Brian's intricate tattoo on his shoulder, which he had done the very same day that AJ first went under the tattooists needle. Meanwhile, AJ bared his 4 month old belly tattoo and Nick flashed his shark design.

*Nick wanted to bring along his new dog but the pup was litterally in the doghouse after getting over excited at his masters return to the States and causing havoc around the house.

*Howie's mum and sister joind AJ's mum as the sole family members on the site.

*Poor AJ had to keep his legs firmly crossed while he was wearing his blue space outfit. Why? Beacause there was no way he could have a wee unless he took the whole ensemble off. Unfortunatley this involved someone unbolting each blue plastic panel piece by piece and AJ wriggling out of the tight black body suit which he was wearing underneath. He was stuck in the suit for nearly 6 hours.

*Nick, with his artistic flair, had a hand in costume design. His own space suit was actually made to measure.

*The guys, who were already feeling the effects of flying into Orlando just a day before work began, had trouble adjusting their body clocks. it didn't help that the catering van served up lunch at eight in the evening and dinner at two in the early hours of the morning. No one hung around long enough for breakfast.

*As the eldest member of the band, Kev was chuffed to be given the role as Captain Richardson! Beam us up Kev.

*During a break in filming, Nick ducked into the theme park next door to the studios.

*The gun that AJ is pictured with is the very same weapon used in the film Alien. It was one of many props and extra costumes that were brought along to the shoot, but weren't actually used in the finished cut.

*The guys told TOTP Magazine that they loved making the video especially since they created the whole concept, including the design of the set. However the thing that made them all laugh the most was the sight of themselves in their costumes. Yep, we're afraid we have to agree with you! (Speak for yourself TOTP)

*The story of the video was an idea conjured up by the BSB's. They were partly influenced by Kevin's love for Keanu Reeves blockbuster movie The matrix.

*It was shot over the course of three days at Universal Studios, Orlando. Filming kicked off during the afternoonand carried on through the night till six in the morning. Whoever said postars have a glamorous life should have been with us at five.

*The guys filmed their solo sequences in shifts. Each BSB was on standby with his mobile so he could be called into makeup at a moments notice. Only Nick had to travel a fair distance - he lives 60 miles away and drove two hours there and two hours back each day.

*Guess how much this video cost....If you said one million dollars, you'd be close. If you said one and a half million, you'd be closer. The final figure was apparently close to two million.

*Larger Than Life was directed by Joseph Kahn, the fella the guys hired to shoot the vid for Everybody (Backstreets Back)

*If you were trying to figure out why the guys are standing in front of huge green backdrops, we can tell you. Green is a colour that doesn't consist of any flesh tones. Therefore the filmmakers were able to cut the guys out of the backdrop and plonk them onto the background that you can see in the finished video. Simple!

*Are you wondering how AJ managed to fly and how brian mastered the art of hovering on his uni-board? Well, as you can see from out pics AJ was actually tied to Bungee ropes which allowed him to lean as far forward as he liked without toppling over. Brian merely had to stand on the board while it automatically shifted at various angles but he found it quite tricky to keep his balance.

*Howie's scene in the moving room required the same special effects used in Jamiroquai's Canned heat video - He stood still while the room was moved around him.

*Over and out.

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Brian Thomas Littrell ~ The Golden Voiced Backstreet Boy
- Established Jan 1999 -