Big Hit Articles Feb 2000
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Brian and Kevin
He's normally a little shy and reserved, but
Big Hit got Nick Carter to open up by firing
the tricky questions at him ...
When was the last time a girl turned you down?
Probably when I was at school. I used to get brushed
off all the time because none of the girls liked me.
They all thought I was a bit odd and preferred the
cool guys, but I didn't want to get involved in that
crowd. I kept myself to myself.
What's your sexiest body part?
I'd probably have to say my hair. I don't take a lot
of time over it but people seem to like the way it looks.
I used to swim all the time at home in Florida so the
chlorine and the sun turned it blond, but now I dye it
to keep the highlights in.
Are you superstitious?
Kind of. I believe in "something", but it's hard to
place a specific name for the feelings I have. All
I know is there's gotta be someone else out there.
Do you have smelly feet?
No! I wash them every time I go in the shower. I even
scrub in between the toes. No "toe glue" for me!
To tell you the truth, I don't sniff my feet that often
because they're too far away from my nose, but
no-one else complains about them, so I guess
they're pretty sweet-smelling.
When was the last time you swore?
I don't swear that often. My parents brought me
up to think it's a bad thing and usually it never even
crosses my mind. The strongest I get is shouting,
"Damn" or "Shoot!"
Is there a piece of Jewellery
that's extra special to you?
Yeah, a BSB pendant on
a gold chain, Our manager
gave us one each as a thank
you for our hard work. I'm not
wearing it, though. I keep important possessions in
a safe place because I get pretty worried about losing
sentimental stuff.
Are you a good kisser?
Hmm, how can I answer that question? Nah, I don't
think I am. I mean, I don't have a special kissing
technique or anything, I just do whatever comes
naturally. It's been a long time since I've kissed
anyone, so I'm way out of practice at the moment.
Have you ever wondered what it would feel like to
be a girl?
It's gone through my mind a few times. Nothing
specific, just thoughts about the kind of stuff I'd have
to put up with. I definitely reckon boys have it easier
because they don't have to have babies and stuff,
I've heard that's meant to be pretty bad from what
my mom's told me.
Would you do anything for a real friend?
It depends on how long the friendship lasts. I've had
some friends since I was a little kid, and I would do
anything for them. Of course, it also depends on the
situation. Something illegal may be too much.
Would you lie for a friend?
I would lie, when a friend, for example, has girl
trouble, it would be different. I would help him out
of the scrap.
Who Is your best friend?
At home there's a girl. I
understand her perfectly. She's
not my girlfriend or anything, she's
just my best friend, she's really
great. I go to her when I have a
problem and sometimes call her
when I'm touring.
Describe yourself In one sentence.
I was born to make fun of things. They say I've got
a great bunch of energy, many times the others even
call me The Hyperman! That's actually two sentences,
but we'll let that go! (laughs)
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Brian Interviews cousin Kevin ,..
Brian: So, Kev, what's your earliest memory of me?
Kevin: I remember going to your house to play with
you and your brother Harold, who's the same age as
me. Sometimes you both used to come and play on
our farm and you used to bring all your toys with you.
I can also really remember the time you were in the
hospital because of your heart problems, but I wasn't
allowed to visit you because I was too small!
Brian: Do you remember our favourite game?
Kevin: Sure! We always played Star Wars. I was
always Darth Vader and Harold was Luke Skywalker,
but we never wanted you to play because you were
still too young! Whenever we picked on you, Harold
and I used to get told off by our parents! We also
had a cassette player that we used to record songs
on - actually, I've still got those tapes. Sometimes
we'd just talk into it, or we acted as if we were in
a pop group and tried to do it professionally, like
with harmonies and everything, Man, that brings
back memories.
Brian: What was your favourite toy?
Kevin: My BMX bike. They'd just come onto the
market and I thought I was so cool with the bike.
I rode it everywhere, and I thought everyone was
so jealous of me on my cool, new BMX!
Brian: Did we ever fight?
Kevin: When you got a new toy, Harold and I used to
take it away from you just to annoy you, but we never
really used to fight because there was such an age
gap between us - it wouldn't really have been fair,
would it?
Brian: What do you like best about me?
Kevin: I like the way you approach everything in a
relaxed way, although sometimes you're just too darn
relaxed! When I'm stressed I become totally serious. But when you're stressed you just crack a couple of
jokes and it really relaxes the situation. Plus, you have
a fantastic voice.
Brian: OK, when do you get angry with me?
Kevin: Hmmm, I guess everything I've just said can be
reversed as well. I'm sometimes too
serious and you're sometimes too
childish. Sometimes you don't
realise just how serious things are.
Brian: Would you say we're more
like brothers or friends?
Kevin: Both, I think. Obviously,
we do have our disagreements
and we tend to fall out more
quickly because we're family.
But I guess you always fall out
with family quicker than friends
because, at the end of the day, you
know you'll always love that person.
Brian: What's one thing about me
that really annoys you?
Kevin: (laughing) It makes me
furious when I say something and
you go, totally ironically, "Wow, that
sounds really grown-up! You must
know a great deal about life - yes,
you must be really grown-up!" Grrr!
That really does my head in. I do know
what you mean, but it makes me want to scream!
Brian: When did you realise you could really trust me?
Kevin: Well, I've always known I can tell you absolutely
anything. But now, depending on what the problem is,
I know I can go to the other guys as well - you're all
good for talking to about different things.
Brian: When we do fight, who normally makes the
first move?
Kevin: Usually we don't even have to talk about it,
do we? Especially because we're constantly together -
I always know if you're having a bad day and vice versa,
which is when you tend to fall out more. If its a big
problem we'll sit down and talk about it, but normally
it's easier to forget it and carry on.
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We put wild boy AJ. to the test by asking
him to finish the following sentences ...
If I could be anything else In the world besides a
Backstreet Boy, I'd ...
be Geena Davis' archery equipment. I've had a crush
on her for ages.
If I could steal someone else's clothes, It would be...
Mick Jagger's. I always thought he had the coolest,
most sophisticated
clothes - although I
am sure they wouldn't
fit me.
If I could have more
free time, I'd spend
at home sleeping and
also catching up on
listening to new CDs
I bought.
If I could change my
body, I'd ...
have bigger arms and
If I could change some
things about the world,
I would ...
want world peace. I
would also want people
to stop being bigots.
I know this sounds
very idealistic, but you asked an idealistic question.
If I could meet anyone In the world, It would be ...
Well, I would like to have met JFK Jr, but it's too late
now. Very sad. My heart goes out to his family.
If I could go on the ultimate holiday, it would
probably be ...
a week in Ibiza, then a week in Bali. I think
those are probably the two most exotic places
in the world.
If I could change one thing about myself it
would be ...
my nose. I don't think that I would actually ever
change it, but it's something I've always thought
about, like when I look at myself from a side view,
or when I see pictures of myself at certain angles.
If I could change something about Nick, I'd ...
want him to stop acting so silly sometimes. I also
would like to see him in less conservative clothes.
If I could change something about Howie, I'd ...
want him to stop being so damn saintly! (laughs)
If I could change something about Brian, I'd ...
want him to read some of my spirituality books and
be more open-minded about material we record.
If I could change something about Kevin, I'd ...
want him to calm down and not worry so much about
our schedule and making deadlines.
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Five things you might have heard about
Howie D, explained once and for all ,..
Rumour: Howie has a cat named Oscar and a dog
named Chris.
Truth: Howie doesn't have any animals. His sister
Pollyanna's dog is named Oscar and the family cat is
named Chris.
Rumour: Howie's sister Angie got him into the music
business and she is also in it herself.
Truth: Pollyanna got Howie into the music business..
She is currently establishing her own musical career
Angle is an accountant.
Rumour: Pollyanna died of Lupus.
Truth: Actually, it was his sister Caroline.
Rumour: In college, Howie asked his chorus class
if anyone would like to join a singing group. He ask
everyone with the exception of Chris from 'N Sync,
because he thought Chris was annoying.
Truth: This is true, except for Howie ignoring Chris.
Howie never really knew Chris at school.
Rumour: Howie was afraid of cats and the dark
when he was a kid.
Truth: Howie was mostly just afraid of dogs when
he was younger!
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Brian Thomas Littrell ~ The Golden Voiced Backstreet Boy
- Established Jan 1999 -