What are the goals for the new album ‘Black & Blue’?

Kevin: Firstly to get some new music out to the fans. Also to make more great music. We’re not trying to shatter any records. If that does happen, then great, it’s a bonus. We feel that if we make good records, then the sales will come. But it’s more important for us to make records that we are happy with and to grow as artists.

How did you come up with the title ‘Black & Blue’?

Brian: We racked our brains for several weeks for a title that would best suit the record we had recorded. Then one day we were doing a photo shoot and we were all dressed in black, against a blue background. And I got a flash of instant genius and thought “Wow, black and blue”. Everybody picked up on it. It’s a little older, harder and a bit artsy. And it’s good because we don’t really have to put a picture of our faces with it.

Nick: It’s gonna be like our symbol. Like each nation has its flag, it’s gonna be like our new flag. It represents us.

Tell us about the first single ‘Shape Of My Heart’?

Kevin: It’s about someone being selfish within a relationship, when you put other things - like your job or something - infront of your relationship or partner.

You’ve now traveled the world. Can we expect to see any international influences that you may have absorbed along the way?

Kevin: There is some Spanish guitar on a track called ‘The Call’. There is some R&B influence and flavour that we got from Babyface. The album has a nice variety of sounds and each song has its own identity. You’re not hearing the same thing over and over again.

Tell us about the lyrics on ‘Black & Blue’?

AJ: The concept of these new songs are unique. They are not typical of us at all, because you can only sing “I love you” for so long! These lyrics are more real. People do cheat [ *cough splutter* ], people do mess things up in relationships. Life and love is not all rainbows, happiness and perfection. We wanted to expose the darker side of love as well as the good side.

How do you decide who sings lead vocals or harmony vocal?

Nick: Generally we just feel it out. We all know each other’s voices really well and know what will suit. Sometimes we just go in to the studio and sing and see who is vibing and feeling the song more.

Your songs are recongised all around the world – how does that make you feel?

Howie: It’s unbelievable. If you think about actually where we came from, and to where we are now – we’ve certainly been blessed by God. It’s so good to see that our music brings happiness to so many people.

Tell us about the bond within the group?

AJ: The fact that we are not a manufactured band helps us alot. You develop a certain bond together and you continually learn things about each other. Particularly with three of us being long term friends, and two of us being family. It’s the perfect combination, instead of being from five different states, not knowing each other and then being pieced together and meeting for the first time. We’ve grown so much together. It’s so much better this way. There are so many groups being glued together and that’s one of the main reasons that we’re still around – because we are real.

Brian: We’ve seen so many bands come and go. They have a big song or two and then they disappear. They don’t have the bond that we have.

Is there much rivalry/competitiveness between the current wave of boybands?

Kevin: Not that we are aware of. Not coming from us. Whatever the other bands do is their business.

The live show is such an important part of the Backsteet Boys – do you write with that in mind?

Kevin: Now with a bunch of tours under our belt, sometimes when you’re working on a song, you can envisage what the fans would be doing live and you can certainly use that as motivation.

What goes on in the tour bus?

All: (laughs) Just regular stuff. Alot of video games, sleeping, eating, making phone calls. We can’t tell you our secrets!

Tell us about your connection with Elton John?

Brian: Essentially, his people called our people and asked whether we’d like to work with him and we said “Hell yeah!”.

Kevin: We were on the road and we were asked to be on the ‘Road To Eldorado’ soundtrack on a song called ‘Never Say Goodbye’. We went in to a studio to record our part; unfortunately Elton wasn’t there though. Although he did call and thank us. So we had a small connection. And then they called us and asked us would we do the Grammys. We jumped at the chance.

Tell us about the Backstreet Boys comic?

Kevin: Nick has been talking to us about developing a comic for a long time. He is always doodling, sketching and doing caricatures or all five of us. It’s his hobby, and he has finally made one of his dreams come true.

Nick: That’s pretty much correct. The whole concept of the comic is four years in the making. I love it!

What are some of the internal bad habits of the band that you have now outgrown?

Howie: Nick hasn’t outgrown any of his bad habits!

Kevin: I don’t think that any of us have outgrown our bad habits. We’ve still got them. It’s what makes us us.

Nick: Kevin has stopped stressing out so much now that he’s married. I still try and stress him out. It works occasionally. But not as well as it used to.

What are you like when the five of you are together and no one else is around?

Brian: We always find something within each other. We feed off each other really well. As the band grows, we have become emotionally closer. There’s always ups and downs. This is a rollercoaster ride and we’re in the best years of our lives. With all the success and the milestones we deal with together, we’ve also had to deal with losing family members, surgeries and all types of other painful experiences in between. Outside of every interview and every photo shoot, there is always somebody trying to get at us. But when we are in our circle of five, nobody can get to us and nobody within the five is trying to get to any of us. We disappear within ourselves.

Source: HMV Magazine

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Brian Thomas Littrell ~ The Golden Voiced Backstreet Boy
- Established Jan 1999 -