Following an array of sold-out and critically acclaimed shows across the country that began January 22 in support of the eight-times platinum BLACK & BLUE album, BACKSTREET BOYS are standing true to their word that it�s all about the fans.

�After speaking to our fans, they�ve told us they want to see us up close and personal,� said the group�s AJ McLEAN. �They want to get as close to us as they can and we intend on giving them exactly what they want.�

After an extensive amount of e-mails, as well as personal interaction through their intimate fan conferences (where BACKSTREET BOYS meet with fans in a press conference scenario), the group have decided this is the way the fans want to see them.

With 50 more North American arena shows set to launch in June with opener Shaggy--the biggest ever concert tour staged in arenas--NICK CARTER, HOWIE DOROUGH, BRIAN LITTRELL, AJ McLEAN and KEVIN RICHARDSON will keep up the maximum bonding experience. As their current tour has progressed, BACKSTREET BOYS have seen the benefits of their production which gives them closer access to their audience.

�The fans have told is they want to get as close as possible to us and when we put this tour together, we worked with the set designer to find ways for us to be near our fans during the show,� said HOWIE.

The production features awe-inspiring pyrotechnics, a multi-level stage and multiple video screens as well as side runways that go ten rows into the arena, enabling the group to get even closer to the audience. It is a multi-media presentation with innovative sound, lights and interactive video footage that intensifies the bond between BACKSTREET BOYS and the fans.

�We want to give our fans the best concert experience ever,� KEVIN said. �And we think that by bringing Shaggy out as a special guest, fans will really get their money�s worth.�

Prior to the second leg of North American dates, BACKSTREET BOYS will play to sold-out crowds in Mexico, South American and Puerto Rico.

Here are some quotes that praise both the BACKSTREET BOYS� performance and production:

Dan Aquilante, NEW YORK POST: �The opening number was a no-hold-barred, gee-whiz spectacle during which the band performing under a barrage of indoor fireworks that rained from the rafters�between the infectious dance pop, precise hoofing and terrific staging, the show was good entertainment that titillated but never ventured into risque. This is a band that works at its craft, and their efforts show in concert.�

Jim Farber, NEW YORK DAILY NEWS: ��the fivesome offered an expertly crafted piece of pop�three quarters of their 21-song show, which runs an hour and 40 minutes, centered on mid-paced material with killer choruses.�

Frank Scheck, BILLBOARD.COM: �The massive set, featuring a giant bridge that descends from above to traverse nearly the entire length of the arena, is so spectacular and efficient that it suggests whoever is designing their stage show should start working immediately on New York City�s infrastructure�there�s no denying that Backstreet Boys are working very hard with their current tour to ensure that their rabid fans, most of whom attend with their parents, have a great time�the show--with its in-your-face pyrotechnics, elaborate video displays, myriad dancers and flashy set design--is designed to mesmerize even the shortest of attention spans. And once again, the Boys demonstrate that they really can sing and that their material includes some of the catchiest pop songs of the past decade�the show is a fast-paced affair that takes care to balance the ballads with the funky dance numbers.�

Mark Brown, ROCKY MOUNTAIN NEWS (Denver, CO): ��an intricate light show, pristine sound, Grammy-caliber presentation and enough fireworks to make Kiss blush�and everything the fans come for was there. All the hits were served up early and often, from Larger Than Life to I Want It That Way. The harmonies were impeccable�the staging was spectacular��

Gene Stout, SEATTLE POST: �The Backstreet Boys returned to the Northwest with a bang last night. A big bang�in a production worthy of a George Lucas sci-fi blockbuster, the teen-pop supergroup entered an asteroid-pelted stage enveloped in stage fog and suited up in black trench coats�it was a fast-paced, even dazzling show�..�

Marty Hughley, THE OREGONIAN (Portland, OR): ��with wings that swept smoothly all the way up to the edge of the stands, (the stage) was designed for visibility.�

Greg Kot, CHICAGO TRIBUNE: ��the moments the black-and-blue kids will be talking about this week are those when Brian, Nick, Kevin, A.J., and Howie D. floated tantalizingly close, appearing on a riser behind the sound board in the middle of the audience, strolling over the floor on a bridge, working the wings of the stage to clasp hands or accept gifts.�

Monica L. Haynes, POST-GAZETTE (Pittsburgh): ��the �boys� sang, danced, strutted, sweated and horsed around amid pyrotechnics and decibel levels that surely exceeded the limits of auditory health.�

Andrea Berninger, THE FORUM (Fargo, ND): �The group�s song and dance revue was a fast-moving, class act. The quintet�s voices sounded crisp�From any spot in the arena, it was easy to see the boys on stage or on one of three video screens.�

Greg Glasgow, THE DAILY CAMERA (Boulder, CO): �The high production values of boy band concerts are no longer surprising, but they are still impressive. Tuesday�s show began with an outer space-themed video, flaming �comets� soaring across the stage and, finally, the arrival of the Boys, who rose from the stage on smoking pillars in front of geysers of flame and sparks�backed by a seven-piece band and accompanied at times by five male and five female dancers, the Boys continued with a show well balanced between ballads (�I Want It That Way,� Grammy-nominated �Show Me The Meaning Of Being Lonely�) and uptempo dance numbers (�Get Another Boyfriend,� �The Call�) featuring impressive precision choreography�the band and the dancers kept things interesting while the group was offstage�good use was made of a multi-level stage full of staircases and airplane wing-like runways��

Jane Yuan, EASTSIDE JOURNAL (Seattle): �One word: amazing. The Backstreet Boys gave an incredible performance at the Tacoma Dome Sunday night. The concert was packed full of fireworks, special effects, hot dance moves and body-movin� music�thirteen year-olds Rebecca Thompson, Whitney Carter, Ruthie Lipshulch and Ailsa Weisnewsk from Bellevue have been to two other Backstreet Boys concerts before this one. They said they really liked the special effects and the video screen. They felt that the Backstreet Boys were closer, more in touch with the audience, more sincere and mature compared to their other performances.�

The preliminary tour dates are as follows (venues TBA):

DATE                                    CITY

June 8 .......... Orlando, FL
June 9 .......... Tampa, FL
June 13 ......... Raleigh, NC
June 15 ......... Washington, DC
June 17 ......... Greensboro, NC
June 20 ......... Lexington, KY
June 21 ......... Pittsburgh, PA
June 24 ......... Columbus, OH
June 26 ......... Indianapolis, IN
June 29 ......... Hartford, CT
June 30 ......... Albany, NY
July 3 ............ Camden, NJ
July 5 ............ Hershey, PA
July 9 ............ Boston, MA
July 13 ........... Buffalo, NY
July 16 ........... East Rutherford, NJ
July 21 ........... Chicago, IL
July 24 ........... Detroit, MI
August 10 ....... Portland, OR
August 11 ....... Seattle, WA
August 13 ....... San Jose, CA
August 18 ....... Los Angeles, CA
August 23 ....... Denver, CO
August 25 ....... St. Louis, MI
August 27 ....... Kansas City
August 29 ....... Houston, TX
August 30 ....... San Antonio, TX
August 31 ....... Dallas, TX
Sept. 1 ............ Little Rock, AK

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Brian Thomas Littrell ~ The Golden Voiced Backstreet Boy
- Established Jan 1999 -