Celebrity Fear Factor

Source: By Linda Hughes, JWR Volunteer

The Just Within Reach foundation staff is always striving to raise awareness for JWR. While traveling home from the Olympic Torch Relay in January, Kevin was posed with a question from the staff - "Is there anything you're afraid of?" According to JWR's Director of Public Relations, Vicki Hanna, Kevin silently thought about it for a few seconds and responded, "Nope. I don't think so. Not really." After confirming that he could indeed eat any number of gross and disgusting things listed by the staff, it was decided that Kevin, being the highly competitive and physical person he is, would give an awesome showing as he competed on Celebrity Fear Factor. And though Kevin admitted in an interview that the only thing he was afraid of was "failure," Kevin and JWR were quick to note that no matter the outcome, his competition on Fear Factor could never be viewed as a failure. After all, he was doing it for Just Within Reach.

On March 11th Kevin appeared on NBC's Celebrity Fear Factor, showing 17 million TV viewers that there are few things that he wouldn't face when it comes to raising funds and awareness for his environmental foundation.

According to Vicki Hanna, Kevin did not prepare for the Fear Factor stunts other than mentally. She said he was psyched up for the challenges that they might throw at him and said he is a very strategic person and thinks through situations. She said as she watched the episode she could see the wheels turning in his mind as the host explained each of the challenges. She added that probably the only task that caught Kevin by surprise was the snake, worm and cockroach coffin.

"If you watch his reaction as they pull the sheet off the coffin, he raises his eyebrows and you can read the expression on his face almost immediately. It looked as though he was thinking to himself, 'Goal... Objective... Risk... Reward... Ok, let's do it.'" Kevin told Vicki that the tasks look easier than they really are, particularly when they require both strength and speed.

The first stunt tested both the mental and physical capabilities of the celebrities as they had to step out of a 36-story window, and using only several hand grips placed on the outside of the building, had to make their way back and forth along a one-inch ledge, transferring small yellow flags from one open window to another in a three-minute time frame. As the three women did the stunt first, it was quite evident that Kevin was studying them very carefully, even imitating one of their techniques at one point while he was standing on the ground.

Kevin was the first of the three men to go up the elevator and when he took his place on the outside of the building he looked relaxed and ready to go. Once the clock started ticking, however, his fierce competitiveness really showed on his face and while it was clear that the muscles in his legs were shaking at one point, his determination pulled him through and he planted four flags in under three minutes, easily advancing to the next round.

The next challenge found Kevin focused and intense as he sorted snakes while worms slithered across his legs and angry, hissing Madagascar cockroaches crawled around his face and head. Always the eco-friendly advocate, after completing the task, he remained in the box and waited for all of the creatures to be removed from his body so that none of them would fall on the floor and be traumatized. Kevin was a true gentleman as well when he comforted one of his fellow contestants whom was completely freaked out after being in the coffin. According to Vicki, Kevin said the most annoying part of that challenge was the roaches -- they smelled horrible and they were obnoxious because of their hissing!

The last stunt combined a physical activity, mental challenge and luck. While locked in a cage and plunged under water, contestants had to find the right key for the lock and free themselves before swimming to a nearby buoy. The person with the fastest time would be the winner of a $50,000 charity donation. Kevin's time of 43 seconds was not the fastest so he was eliminated at that point in the final round. He did receive a $10,000 contribution to JWR from Fear Factor and he made an additional contribution of $5,000.

Kevin did extremely well the entire show and represented his foundation with the utmost of class! "That is true love of your foundation and your cause if you're willing to lie down in creepy crawlies for it," said Vicki. "We're extremely proud of Kev and very honored."

Kevin said it was a lot of fun and he enjoyed his competitors. Of course he was disappointed that he didn't win. Kevin is very self-motivated and competitive and does not like to lose. Clearly these same qualities are what make him a good environmental advocate and could make him a strong political contender someday.

Just Within Reach received a number of donations from supporters and Fear Factor viewers as a result of Kevin's participation, and would like to thank everyone that made a contribution.

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- Established Jan 1999 -