The Senator Vs. The Backstreet Boy

Source:Washington Post (Thanks to Jane for sending this)
Thursday, June 6, 2002; Page C03

Sen. George Voinovich (R-Ohio) may have stuck his nose into a hornet's nest yesterday with his announcement that he's boycotting today's Senate Environment and Public Works Clean Air Subcomittee hearing because Backstreet Boy Kevin Richardson is on the witness list. Voinovich said of Richardson's appearance at the hearing on the impact of coal-mining mountaintop removal on water quality: "It's just a joke to think that this witness can provide members of the United States Senate with information on important geological and water quality issues."

The 30-year-old rock star, phoning in on his way to Washington, answered the senator with a blistering tirade. "It's pretty sad. I am personally insulted. I hope I see him tomorrow. I would like to have a discussion with him, man to man. It's insulting for someone to assume ignorance of the issue because of my occupation. I'm an educated human being. I am a man of 30 years. I probably know more about the issue than he does. I have every right to be at tomorrow's hearing."

Richardson seethed: "My home state is Kentucky. I was born in Lexington and raised on the edge of the Daniel Boone Forest. I have taken two flights over the coal fields in Kentucky, West Virginia and Tennessee, and I have seen first-hand the damage of mountaintop removal. I have seen the lakes of coal sludge that sometimes burst open without warning. I have friends and family that live in the Appalachian Mountains. This is a very important issue to me."

Senator, may we suggest a helmet?

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