Backstreet Boys World Summer Tour to Include Elwood City
ARTHUR It's Only Rock 'n' Roll

Sunday, August 25, 2002 8:00 pm ET Source:WGBH

As world-famous pop stars, the Backstreet Boys tour the globe, entertaining their millions of fans in cities both big and small. This summer, they will make a special appearance in Elwood City, home of the world's most popular aardvark. The Backstreet Boys will guest star in ARTHUR It's Only Rock 'n' Roll, premiering Sunday, August 25, at 8:00 pm ET.

Behind the Scenes

This hour-long special features an animated Brian, Kevin, Nick, AJ, and Howie D. singing and dancing along with Francine and her own band, U Stink, as well as behind-the-scenes footage of the Backstreet Boys at work. Recording took place last month in Los Angeles. And while the two original songs performed in the special were written especially for ARTHUR by Sarah Durkee and Paul Jacobs, the Backstreet Boys added their own unique style into the mix.

"We really enjoyed watching the Backstreet Boys' collaborative process," says ARTHUR producer Pierre Valette. "The five of them worked out their own harmonies and kept pushing themselves to lay down the best possible tracks they could, having a great time all along. We walked away with three songs that we are all thrilled with." In addition to the two original songs, the Backstreet Boys recorded their own version of the ARTHUR theme song, originally recorded by Ziggy Marley.

And how did the Backstreet Boys feel about being transformed into cartoon characters? "All of us used to watch cartoons when we were younger. I don't know if anybody else dreamt of being a cartoon character, but I did. And here we are doing it as a unit. And we're singing too, which is cool," says group member AJ.

Marc Brown's inspiring car ride

ARTHUR creator Marc Brown developed It's Only Rock 'n' Roll after spending time in the car with his daughter. "I first heard the Backstreet Boys thanks to my teenage daughter who controls the dial of our car radio," says Brown. "There's something about their music that I've enjoyed from the very beginning. I particularly like their a cappella harmonies. I was also struck by how their music really resonates with kids of all ages."

Fans of PBS

After Brown approached the group, the Backstreet Boys were eager to fit ARTHUR into their busy schedules. It turns out that they are big fans of PBS.

"I've gone through about three decades of PBS," says Howie D. "Growing up as a little kid, I started off watching Sesame Street, The Electric Company, and Mister Rogers. I used to always stay up with my dad watching PBS. And now, as an uncle, my little nieces are introducing me to ARTHUR."

Brian adds, "I think PBS is great. It's something parents, whether they're at work or if they're cooking dinner, can put the kids in front of, and they don't have to worry about what their kids are watching on TV. I think it's good for kids, and it's good for parents."

More information

Looking for more information about ARTHUR It's Only Rock 'n' Roll? Keep an eye out on PBS Express for updates. Also, in June, WGBH Station Relations will be offering a special poster featuring the animated Backstreet Boys. In addition, a pledge toolkit is being designed to help your station make the most of the Backstreet Boys' arrival.

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Brian Thomas Littrell ~ The Golden Voiced Backstreet Boy
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