Important Notice for Ebay Bidders

Source: Submitted by: Lauren

Dear JWR, NCOC and DLF Supporters:

We've received a number of emails asking if the auction items listed at the URL below (white snakeskin suits from first leg of the Black & Blue Tour -- even though it lists them as being from the Millennium Tour) are truly going to benefit the Just Within Reach Foundation, NCOC, HHC, JNN and DLF. People seem to be particularly concerned that the charities didn't know of this auction. We can confirm for sure that at least JWR, NCOC and DLF did not know about the auction until it was brought to our attention by the fans. People are further concerned that the Boys' charitable foundations were not listed by name on the auction page. And they are confused as to why the items are incorrectly listed as being from the Millennium Tour when they are indeed from the Black & Blue World Tour. Another cause for concern -- the Certificate of Authenticity comes from the auctioneer, rather than the Backstreet Boys organization. And a final point to this end, it appears that the final bid for all these pieces was $2775.60. Divided by five charities, that is $555.12 per costume. Past records show that single hat props alone have garnered more than that amount; an amount that could go to benefit very important work on behalf of the environment, Lupus research, cardiac operations and juvenile diabetes research and programs.

According to Kevin and the DLF, they are both unaware of any of these online auctions and do not know how they have acquired these wardrobe items. Kevin has asked that we look into the matter. In doing so, we were put in touch with a representative from as well as a rep from Entertainmentrarities. has a well-established record for being a reputable auction organization. However, we have not yet received enough information from their item provider, Entertainmentrarities, to confirm and authenticate the items listed OR the manner in which they were acquired. JWR requested written documentation or copies of the agreement for such items to be auctioned and have not yet received such documentation. We also requested the name of the person within the Boys' management (then, The Firm) who approved the auction, but have not yet received that name either. Also, upon requesting the name of the item provider, we were told that Entertainmentrarities is not at liberty to give the name of the provider without their prior permission, which has not been received as of this email. We were told this morning that the provider himself would contact us by phone, which at the time of this writing, has not occurred.

Though we trust Sothebys to be an upstanding organization and believe they will indeed provide contributions to the foundations based on their integrity, sadly, because we lack documentation, we don't feel as though we can guarantee for you that the proceeds from this auction will go to the chosen charities. Nor can we guarantee that the items are authentic. But even more important, we are not able to confirm that these items were legitimately acquired and provided with permission by the Boys, who as we understand, own their wardrobe items.

As confirmed by The Firm and Kevin, the wardrobe cost is divided by 5 and each Boy pays for his own wardrobe items. They are his at the end of the tour to do with as he pleases. Most of the Boys keep their wardrobe for their charity auctions or for submission to museums and such. However, some desired items have come up missing, such as Kevin's leather cowboy hat used during the first leg of the Black & Blue Tour and the chain-link top Kevin wore during the tour. You may or may not recall that both of these items later showed up on an online auction as did many items of the other Boys' wardrobes. We are not able to determine how or why these items were not forwarded to the Boys, but that is being looked into now.

Please share this information with anyone and everyone who supports or participates in online auctions for Backstreet Boys' memorabilia and tell them to please be careful and take precautions to protect their money. Unless a potential bidder contacts the charity directly to confirm the auction's legitimacy, there is no guarantee that the charity even KNOWS about the auction, let alone will receive the proceeds. So again, if you know anyone who has bid on these suits, please let them know that at least JWR, NCOC and DLF cannot confirm that this was authorized by the Boys. The bidders may want to check into it further as will be doing, based on our request for a report on this auction. We will be in touch again if there are further developments or information to share.


Vicki Hanna
Director of Public Relations and Programming
Just Within Reach Foundation
Nick Carter's Oceans Campaign

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Brian Thomas Littrell ~ The Golden Voiced Backstreet Boy
- Established Jan 1999 -