Transcript of a Brian interview on WKYT ~ Part 2

Source: Full credit and thanks go to Leisha
Sam Dick: .. The world didn't find out about it 'til the Backstreet Boys became internatinal super stars. Tonight Dave Baker tells us much has changed for Brian Littrell. But, not his desire to give back to the place he calls home.

Dave Baker: It's been a year and a half since the Backstreet Boys were last on stage and now Brian Littrell and his family are trying to lead a normal life.

Brian Littrell: When you come into my home in Atlanta ya know, you don't find Backstreet Boys paraphernalia and records and things like that. Because ya know, that's my work and I try not to bring that home so.

Dave Baker: So, you're not one of those people who have a home studio? 'Cause you certainly could here.

Brian Littrell: Well, well, we're working on it. We're working on it (Dave: Cool) There's plans for that in the future. Um because I have so many ideas that I'm constantly ya know, tryin to work on for um the future sucess of the group and the sucess for me as an individual as well.

Dave Baker: As a person Littrell hasn't changed but lots around him has. First, from a musical stand point no longer these guys a "boyband."

Brian Littrell: Well, I think from the beginning we understand, we understood as a group what we wanted , what we wanted to accomplish. I think everyone had the same goal. Later on in life ya know, everybody has thier own opinions and you go through phases, where not everybody gets along and everything wasn't perfect all the time. But that's real life, ya know, kids realize that once they grow up and they deal with their friends as adults. Ya know, life changes and now we're, we're just now, I think, getting back to understanding each other as grown men. Because we understood each other as kids, we were teenagers when we did this. And um life has changed a lot for all of us so. But, it's good to be on the same wave length now, 'cause I think it makes our music better.

Dave Baker: And away from the bright lights Littrell and his wife, Leighanne, are adjusting to being new parents.

Brian Littrell: Looking at my son is completly different. Ya know, my life has changed a lot in the past three months. Um I'm, I'm fortunate ya know there's things that happen in my life in particular that always keep my feet on the ground and having a son is definatly one of those.

Dave Baker: Just last week Littrell, was involved in meetings with producers out in Los Angeles possibly about getting back in the studio with the rest of the Boys. Wither or not that works out or not Littrell has had some very definate ideas about what he would like to do if he ever ventured out on his own,

Brian Littrell: Ya know, every chance I get I mention gospel music, what I grew up singing ya know? That's something I would like to do a gospel kinda record (Dave: Really?) so go back my roots.

Dave Baker: Our converstaion with Brian took place because his willingness to be the spokesperson for this years project prom/ project graduation program sponsered by The Mault Beverage Education Corrperation. Brian will be getting the message out all across the Commonwealth that underage drinking is not cool.

Brian Littrell: (Public Service Annoncement commercial) You've got your whole life ahead of you so stay cool and stay away from drinking until you're 21.

Dave Baker: No matter what he does in his public life, this hometown hero just has one goal in mind, making those he loves his #1 fans.

Brian Littrell: I love being home, I'm a homebody, come in lay my head down, hang my hat at the door. I'm just a dad, that's all I am :laughs:

... And so ends the transcript of WKYT! They did the interview at his Atlanta home in the garden. Like he said " There wasn't a leaf on a tree it was the ugliest it could've ever looked and it was beautiful then." It really is beautiful!!! LMAO The really funny thing is that in his garden there's a lawn ordiment .. of Chihuahuas!! Teehee!! Brian looked so happy in the interview. (b/t/w if anyone wants to know he was wearing a blue shirt, that matched his eyes [Wink] and blue jeans. LoL) They also showed lots of pics I've never seen before! Lots of old stuff .. very intresting! Anyway .. Okay that's all I have to say! Enjoy!!!

Captures from the video

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Brian Thomas Littrell ~ The Golden Voiced Backstreet Boy
- Established Jan 1999 -