HOWIE D of BSB with Jo Jo Wright


JoJo: Special dude on the telephone, long time friend, you guys totally know him...

Howie D: Yo, yo, its Howie D. from the Bacskstreet Boys

JoJo: I know you guys are in the process of creating your next album, give me a little news

Howie D: Yeah, actually this whole last year, even though we had a couple of guys doing some independent stuff, which we're very proud of - Kevin is representing the group very well doing "Chicago" in New York

JoJo: Did you actually see Kevin do it?

Howie D: I did...I saw him a week and a half ago, he was unbelievable. I was so proud of him, he's really having fun in it and its great. You know we're really very happy for each other to spread their wings out a little bit. Brian is having some time with his child, AJ is out here in L.A. as well as myself, I'm doing some foundation work and acting, and Nicky, of course, doing his solo album.

JoJo: What's the plans for the album - I guess the release date may be summer, give or take?

Howie D: We're hoping by the end of the summer, fall, somewhere around there I think would be great. I think, realistically, we've got I think about 6 songs in the can that we have demoed already that we think are pretty good, definitely album contenders. But we just really want to experiment. We're looking out there for more music, we're writing with some great, great writers and producers. We just want to let the sky be the limits. We just want this definitely to be a slam, coming back album that people will be like 'wow, we're glad to hear them back on the map again.'

JoJo: I was hanging with AJ and he put in his stereo a track called "Back In The Day"...really knocked my socks off. Have you heard that track?

Howie D: We get back together on March 18th. We're going to get back and listen to everybody's songs. We've all been demoing stuff on our own in the meantime. Actually, last time we talked you told me about that track so I've actually asked AJ to bum that track off, but I think he wants to make it a big surprise for us all to hear

JoJo: I hope I'm not picking a song you guys are really going to hate, but I really like that song for whatever its worth.

Howie D: I'm excited about it

JoJo: Dude, I forgot to mention, you guys did the whole Christmas show for me - you guys did a killer job on that

Howie D: Thank you man, I was really trying to represent, I know I probably couldn't have done it as well as you

JoJo: Christmas Day, we plugged up microphones in Jennifer Love Hewitt's house, AJ's house, Nick Carter's house, and Howie D's house. Howie D. did the last hour. We put you on the 10 o'clock dedication hour since you're kinda the smooth stud boy

Howie D: I was trying to work it.

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Brian Thomas Littrell ~ The Golden Voiced Backstreet Boy
- Established Jan 1999 -