KEVIN on local Kentucky news!!

Source: Leisha on Live Daily
Tue May 20, 2003 03:39 AM ET

Hey yall!! I just wanted to give you a lil' KY treat!! I was watchin WKYT and I was sooo excited they were going to do a story on Kevin and fitness!! I made out the trascript sooo here ya go. Enjoy!!! muah & ktbspa,
*Ohh by the way WKYT was also the station that did the Brian interview back in Feb!* LOVEEEEE WKYT!!!
Webmaster's Note:Leisha, if you don't want your name on here, please let me know

(In Studio WKYT)
Barbara: We're having fun with fitness this week, with our more well known friends.

Sam: That's right. DeeAnn Stevens stepped in the gym with Backstreet Boys Kevin Richardson and she joins us now with her report. Pretty good looking guy huh?

DeeAnn: Yeah --- not, not too bad at all to spend the day with. Well, we all have different ways of trying to stay in shape. Kevin's choice is boxing. He proved not only to be a hit on stage but a true knockout in the gym.

(On Location in LA)

DeeAnn: Kevin Richardson says its only natural for him to keep his body fit. Growing up he played all kinds of sports.

Kevin: It's like this enate thing inside me. I have, I have to exercise or I don't feel right.

DeeAnn: But, his exercise of choice, for now, is in the ring.

Kevin: In the gym I went in and watched this guy training for like 2 hours. I'm like, wow that looks challenging, looks really fun. I was getting bored with just lifting weights and runnin' on the tred. So, I uh asked the guy if he would train me, the next day he said he would. And uh, it turned out to be Roberto Duran's former trainer.

DeeAnn: Kevin started boxing 2 years ago when he was on tour with the Backstreet Boys. He does it now 3 days a week at the Hollywood Y in Los Angeles. The other days he saves for weight lifting and cardiovascular work outs.

Kevin: It just helps me get my aggression out, gets me in shape. It's really good for the upper body, the arms, and the back. *Jumping rope* Get, get your heartbreak on *Elvis music is playing in the background* Good for keepin rhythm, good for keepin you on your toes really really good I'm on my toes a lot, add some punching and stuff.

DeeAnn: Punching, that's where we started, with a quick lesson on proper technique.

Kevin: When you're punching you'll want to have your stants, not too wide. So, your feet will be about a shoulder length apart.

DeeAnn: Ready .. set .. and it's time to test our skills (Both are punching)

Kevin: Girl, you an athlete! (DeeAnn punches him in the arm, Kevin acts like it hurt)

DeeAnn: Well, I wouldn't go that far. But, it is an entertaining way to get moving. And according to this Kentucky turned LA star a good way for him to deal with life in the big city.

Kevin: I live out in Los Angeles now and drivin in that traffic sometimes you just wanna RRRRAAAAAHHHH! and so it's good to go to the gym and take it out on the punching bag.

DeeAnn: (still punching) I could get into this!

Kevin: It's fun! Get your aggression out!

DeeAnn: That's right!

(Back in WKYT studios)

DeeAnn: So, wither it be taking your uh aggression out or just getting in shape, boxing is one fun way to get into fitness. One other thing Kevin mentioned he likes to do when he comes home to Kentucky he enjoys hiking at the Cathedral Domain, a place that holds many memories for him. His dad use to run the place and Kevin was a camp counselor as well as the hike leader.

Barbara: It means all those campers down at Cathedral Domain will be on the look out for him.

DeeAnn: That's right. They'll probably have a boxing ring built soon.

Sam: So, he's still a member of the Backstreet Boys right?

DeeAnn: Yes, he's still a member of the Backstreet Boys. Uh, they haven't broken up or anything. He said that they are individually pursuing different interest and one day very soon they hope to get back together and cut another record.

Barbara: Well, it's a fun look at his life away from Backstreet.

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