Howie in Starshine Magazine
Source:Starshine Magazine

Cover Story Backstreet's Back Alright!! Howie Dorough assured us of that while he took a couple of days off of recording with the group to host a fundraiser for his charity, the Dorough Lupus Foundation. We brought back pictures, audio and all of the Sweet Details of Howie's visit to New York City!

Random Facts Howie Dorough fills out StarShine's random fact sheet and find out how you can win it!

One being the obvious...our cover man, Howie Dorough. As some of you know, I am a BSB fan and was very honored to be able to interview Howie. I want to give a BIG shoutout to Pollyanna Dorough for making it possible as well as everyone else at the DLF.

Howie Takes a Backstreet Break for Charity!

With a smile and a wink, there is no way to describe Backstreet Boy, Howie Dorough other than his already given identity of "Sweet D". The brown-eyed heartthrob took a couple of days off from recording with the group to make a brief stop in New York City this past February. It wasn't for rest and relaxation though, but it was for something very personal to him: the Dorough Lupus Foundation. The foundation, abbreviated as the DLF, was started by Howie and the rest of the Dorough family in memory of his sister, Caroline who succumbed to the disease in 1998. Since then, the DLF has raised awareness and a bundle of money to help fight lupus and help other families dealing with it.

The event that took place on that cold winter's day in February was an intimate one where ticket buyers spent the day with Howie as well as his sister and chairperson of the DLF, Angie. Despite the chill of New York, Howie was excited about the day's events when StarShine caught up with him at Planet Hollywood. "I took the red-eye in from LA last night. Got here this morning. Had a couple of hours of sleep and I'm up and at it." Howie says in good spirits even though his schedule was a hectic one, including TV appearances that morning, an auction and a Broadway show that night before his early morning flight the next day.

Howie was definitely a good sport about it all. Not only was he more than happy to do anything for his charity, but he was willing to make it worthwhile for both fans and press that attended the event. In fact, StarShine had to insist Howie ate lunch before our interview. Howie felt bad making us wait. It's rare a celebrity ever cares about someone else's schedule, so that was a shock and a nice one at that.

After the press was taken care of, Howie had some time to finish up lunch with his sister and crew before the madness started. Anyone who's been in a 500 foot radius of Backstreet Boys fans know exactly what I mean by madness. Girls screeched, well, actually there seemed to be more women than teenagers screaming as if it were a Chippendale's event. It appears the group did just what critics said wouldn't happen -- their fans didn't outgrow BSB, they grew with them.

The auction started and Howie was a mixture of bashful, flattered and loving the attention. Requests were screamed as he modeled jerseys, jackets and shirts to be won off his back and autographed. "Dance!" "Sing!" "Take it off!" Did Howie comply? Yes, with a pelvic thrust, an a cappella version of "All I Have To Give" and as for taking it off, well, he stripped down to a t-shirt, but that's as far as it went. Fans spent hundreds of dollars on autographed merchandise and special phone calls from Howie. How they afford it, we have no idea, but hey, it's for a worthy cause.

With the many events and experiences Howie's had since starting the Dorough Lupus Foundation, StarShine asked him what is the most memorable to him. He admits it was hard to choose, but starting a lupus support group and having their first anniversary recently definitely stands out. "It was a dream of my mom's to have a support group like this for other families out there to provide a good healthy environment for people to come to in Orlando." Howie explains. The support group meets once a month with different speakers to educate everyone.

All and all, Howie seemed to enjoy his break from the studio and had a great turnout, but he was also happy to get back to his music. "It feels great." Howie says about being back as a group. "I'm very excited with the material we have gotten done and I'm looking forward to the material that's going to be coming out as well." Howie says the Backstreet Boys sound has matured since during their break, of course the group has had different experiences separately. So we had to ask, is it hard to come together as a whole again? "It feels like we're back on a bicycle again and you never forget." Howie describes. That's good to hear because it's evident that fans, though they supported their individual projects fell in love with them first as a group and you never forget your first love.

"Having the break off, I think was good." Howie says, though speculation was made about the group breaking up. "It gave us a chance to get some hunger in ourselves to come out there once again to do it. We came off a ten year nonstop schedule." He continues to explain the situation and demand BSB were under. "I think in order to maintain a healthy career like the Eagles and Aerosmith, you need a little break. Just to live life and to experience stuff, even to write music. I mean I've been writing a lot of stuff now that I've had a chance to experience in the last two years. It's only helping us in the long run." Howie finishes with confidence. StarShine couldn't agree more. We expressed the voice of the fans and the worry we had experienced from them. I myself had told the fans on occasion the group deserved a break and Howie joked, "We're only human." Howie said he hopes the fans had also developed a "hunger" for the Backstreet Boys again since he says in the past their audience had been "bombarded" with their music as he put it. With great albums like Millennium and Black & Blue, it was no punishment, however.

So how does the new BSB material compare to the old style? "The music style is changing a little bit, so we're going to have to obviously go with the change, but I don't think we're going to stray too far from where we were." Howie says, though he admits they're still experimenting at this point. "We're just going in the studio trying to create good music and just see what comes out of it."

With the group back in full swing, where does that leave solo albums and other individual projects? "We decided to make a new record, that's a full process within itself. In order to do it properly, we had to put our individual projects on the side." Howie says. "Each of us are still working on it during the down time and the weekends and stuff when we have off, but obviously Backstreet has to come first right now. I think when the timing is right, we're going to try to get out and hopefully release our stuff individually as well." He concludes.

As StarShine wrapped up our interview, we had to let Howie know just how much influence Backstreet Boys have in this industry. In fact, one of my first articles in high school was written about the group and being a fan myself, I was inspired to follow my dreams in this field just by seeing how much they achieved. Howie was flattered, but joked about it. "Man, I feel old." Of course, we couldn't say goodbye to Howie without getting the rest of his fans a message from him.

"I just want to say thank you to the fans for actually sticking behind us during this time that we had off and not losing the Backstreet pride. Keeping it alive and thank you as well to each of them for not only supporting us in our group work, but also for our individual endeavors. Whether it's music or it's acting or it's Broadway, our foundation work...I think we have some of the best fans in the world. They're Larger Than Life as the song says. They keep us thriving to do more and more. It's because of them that we're out here doing a record again." Howie says with the utmost gratitude. That record that Howie credits to you is expected to be out this July, he hopes and the group plans to do a world tour this September. Is anyone else looking forward to the summer time because of five more amazing reasons?

We're introducing a brand new type of fact sheet to our StarShine stars. This one is longer, more humorous and of course completely random. One thing that stays the same from our original fact sheet is, you still get a chance to win the handwritten one!

Our first victim for the new fact sheet was none other than this issue's cover story, Howie Dorough. Get to know him a little more personally right now...

Reality TV? Nay Underwear? Yay

Body Piercings? Yay/Nay (Howie had his ears pierced, so he's not completely against piercings.)

Movie: "The Outsiders"
TV Show: TRL
Actor: Tom Hanks
Actress: Whoopi Goldberg
Song: "Unchained Melody"
Music Artist: Boyz II Men

McJagger or Steven Tyler? Steven Tyler
Madonna or Mariah? Mariah
LA or NY? Both
Sponge Bob or Jimmy Neutron? Jimmy Neutron

Favorite Toy: Karaoke Machine
Favorite Hangout: Zuma Beach Club (which is now turned into Tabu, a club Howie co-owns.)
Age Stopped Wetting the Bed: "Still"
The Last Thing You Were Punished Over: "Not giving my mom a hello kiss."

TELL ALL!Grossest Habit: None
Most Embarrassing Moment: "Mess up the Star Spangle Banner at a high school basketball game."
First Kiss: "12 years old--yeah!!!"
Celebrity Crush: Alyssa Milano
If you could be anyone else, you'd be: Tom Cruise

�Howie Dorough Contest!�

1. StarShine is giving you the chance to own this exclusive autographed fact sheet which includes all of the information shown in the previous column and includes Howie's autograph and a picture he drew.

Here's how you can win! Tell StarShine how Howie and his charity work touched your life! Entries should be no longer than 2 typed pages. Along with your entry, send your first + last name, age, city, state and mailing address to:

[email protected]

Entries must be received on or before May 5th.

This contest is supported by StarShine Magazine and no other companies. All entries will be judged by the StarShine Magazine staff. Only one entry per person. All personal information submitted is private and is only for use of this contest. One winner will be selected based on content of entry to win the original StarShine Official Handwritten Random Fact Sheet autographed by Howie Dorough. The winner will be notified by e-mail and must be subscribed to the magazine at the close of the contest. StarShine Magazine reserves the right to change the rules of the contest and all entries will be notified of the changes if the case may be.

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Brian Thomas Littrell ~ The Golden Voiced Backstreet Boy
- Established Jan 1999 -