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name: Lille Marie A.

AIM: Ziny3108
email: [email protected]
birthday:(maybe you get a bday card)August 31st, 1982
where you live: Panama City, Panama
married? Single, no boyfriend.
school:High school... I graduate June 8th, 2001!!!! (If God permits!)
fav BSB: Brian, AJ, & Nick
kids: 0!!!!!!
hobbies: Singing is one of my most adored hobbies as well to listening to
music. I love anything that has to do with music. I love reading anything,
as well as fan fictions, watching tv, rollerblading at the COastway (over
here in PAnama), talking on the phone with my friends... I love to go
clubbing (over ehre you are old enough to drink at 18!!
:-P ).. shopping... and OF COURSE!!!! BSB... anythiogn that ahs to do with
ambitions: Well, I'm an aspiring singer. I already got a demo and
everyting, but I keep on getting prepared until that day comes when I get
to be onstage singing my heart out to all of you!
what makes you happy or anything else you would like us to know about you!:
Music... that's my love, my life, and my passion. Kids happy make me happy.
My family happy make me happy. BSB makes me happy!
what is your favorite egroup!!!!!!! tough question!
Love you all!!!!