Dancing In the Web with Vikki on Welcome to the year 2000!
---Now...... if you where hopin' for some great metaphysical insights, or some mildly quirky metaphores,...or some kind of "Save The World" platform Sorry....Not here Pal~y
Just Havin' FUN! ...and was learning....Man this page goes on and on and on, But I learned "All I needed to know about "Raw" HTML "
..we'll have results at a later date....
Thank you for participating!
UPDATE: They still won't tell us the truth about Bobby Sheehans ( Blues Traveler ) death----
( Original Update )--- Aw Saddness..... they just found BOBBY SHEEHAN OF "BLUES TRAVELER" DEAD.....Aw, mannnnnn......8/21/99 2:40 pm Update~ PRESS RELEASE ..Now we're just "Mulling it Over" Newest Music NEWS! JIMI HENDRIX' step sister is going to allow " 1 from the Vault " to release NEVER BEFORE HEARD RECORDINGS! this -- Just announced 3/14/2000 ****************
LooK For my Web Book "The Goddess'Honest Truth!" Coming Soon! I just know it will be a best seller.
THE GREATEST MAN ON THE FACE OF THIS PLANET LEFT IT ON 1/11/2000, MY GRANDFATHER, JACK. He IS what made me who I am--He was the wisest, most genuine, down-to-earth, of the earth person I have or will ever meet. I LOVE YOU GRAMPA
Find that band! Check out & download a REALLY COOL BROWSER here~~>
customized browser skins! try "PurpleForest", or "Zappa" browser skin
~~ Here comes another
Full Moon
Did you know that during Full Moons there are more babies born, more car accidents, more crimes committed, more road rage, more lovers disputes & more children conceived... Thus, there are more cops on duty more Doctors on call, more EMT's on a shift, extra guards a guardin', grocery checkers goin' bonkers, and postal clerks... check out the postal clerks during the next full moon!. Watch rush hour traffic too ....just watch... & be mellow....& know then smile. 'Cuz you are in control, right? Speaking of in control....
Q: What do dancin' deadheads say when they run out of dope?
A: What is this awful music?!.. ..
Gotta have Quality sound! **********************
Speaking of Sound~You Know...One man's noise is another man's music~
There we were, children of the early 70's in our black light bedroom, totally entranced in the hard driving rythym of John Bonham's drums, Robert Plant's lusty sexually provocative vocals,mmm-hmm, and Jimmy Page's screaming guitar, when my mothers piercing soprano breaks through our hypnotic state with the inevitable "TURN THAT DOWN OR I'M GUNNA PULL THE PLUG ON IT" while we proceeded to feign deafness. < b r> With that comment she would proceed to disconnect the main power source to the house. She would then open the door and say "HOW CAN YOU LISTEN TO THAT FRED ZEPPELIN GUY ANYWAY -- IT'S NOT EVEN MUSIC -- IT'S JUST A BUNCH OF NOISE!"
Incidently, my mother now even likes "Fred Zeppelin" and listens to it with us all the time. Her favorite tune is "Kashmir"
Ooooh pretty colors ........********************* I dig this Divine great earth! And the gifts it has given. Oh~ Yea!
Um, ...Hello, if you're still here than I better say Welcome~ In case you're interested I'm Vikki ~~ and I am a Vocalist/entertainer/Songwriter/computer/network support specialist.
**UPDATE**: I AM NOW THE REGIONAL HEAD OF MIS FOR "THE BODY SHOP" NT networking stuff/ Systems Admin...It's very cool. ( but..man...being needed all the time, and having so much responsibility, makes ya want to run the other way , sometimes.)
And I have been performing/working/living /thriving in the Bay Area for about 10 years now.Not sure that this is in the RIGHT ORDER anymore... I was born in Grass Valley, Ca. They say if you've seen it on a map....you got a good map! I then moved to Tahoe where I began a life of debauchery and a love for skiing, the arts, performing, living and loving and discovered music ( as a talent of sorts ). I used to sit down with Bobby Dee at his grand piano at Caesars Tahoe and sing along with him...people started requesting songs..I was young, and in tahoe ( probably half tanked having the time of my life ;o ) Bobby didn't dig that all that much ( but I got my first gig that way ) ... ************************* I now live in the Bay Area and love it. I dig all the very different things you can do and see here all within a 30 mi. radius!... And this city can,Rock and Roll! and the fact Reaganomics is over is a boon I'm a "baby" child of the sixties, keeping alot of this Era and it's music very close to my heart. ( since my earliest memories consisted of Be~ins, weekend hippie jamfests, KiteDay w/the Doobie Brothers, and being put to sleep to the Moody Blues & It's a Beautiful Day:
love the Lava Lamps ********'Ramble On!******************
SoMe ThinGs I have done in my diverse and somewhat other than normal life ~~~I have worked as an Y.M.C.A camp counselor, entertainer, stuntperson, actress, waitress, model *ick*, firefighter, Singing telegram-ist, dancer, Safeway worker, Don Johnsons security guard (trip), EMT, Record Label/ A&R Exec, Computer Network / support specialist. And girl, then woman. .... Which was and still is the toughest job ********** Wanna hear One of my pet peaves? ....~~ There are so many more people trying to MEET the right person, than there are trying to BE the right person >
Constant Construction/&Learning phase seems to be going on here, so ...have mercy.
Author~Maya Angelo~
*****Pretty women wonder where my secret lies.I'm not cute or built to suit a fashion models size...But when I start to tell them, they think I'm telling lies.
I say,
It's all in the reach of my arms The span of my hips the stride in my step, the curl of my lips.I'm a woman. Phenomenally. Phenomenal woman,
That's Me. heheeeee
Page best in Internet Explorer 5.(with NeoPlanet Browser! Sorry to some AO-heLLers Update / F Y I / Internet Explorer (sadly to say) works very well,(used to think Netscape was it!) but once you configure everything (that it doesn't!) It has great integration abilities GO BILL!! use your Browsers back button
You can download a Mp3 player to play music files on this page. (more to come)
Ever soar through the sky to your undoughted death....then while the earth closes in, the wind whips a turbulent, strange, noise and silence all at once through your ears, then ***POOF*** opens a lifegiving parachute and you glide gently to the ground.... as the wind whistles, you float ever so free to the ground...... There is Nothing like it on THIS EARTH! I DID, I have and I DO ============WHATARUSH==================
Hmmm,...do you think we will ever REALLY live on MARS? ~~~~~Wonder what the weather would be like? (piped in air...kewl!!) 'cuz we will supposedly be underground~~Hmm, maybe they, whoever "they" will be, NASA, Big Brother, ALIENS ?? Anyway, maybe they would keep us all happy with Central Air laced with hallucinagens & Peyote Or aphrodesiacs ..oooh.. (try spelling that one) "What A Wonderful World It Would Be". ~ to the tune ~ ,font color="hoo8oo">Did you know In 1970, marijuana was reclassified as a Schedule I drug contrary to the recommendations of Presidential advisory panels charged with examining marijuana in 1962, 1963 and 1967. Schedule I means that a substance is dangerous and has no medical purposes. Yet no one has ever demonstrated the 'dangers.' **************************
THE WORD FOR THE DAY/ IS ~~ UNSCRUPULOUS ....we learn later what it means to moi ~ that is French for me.. (and how to spell it)UPDATE- It is spelled right-
We know what it means to be UNSCRUPULOUSAlthough, (We) are not ;-) Thine eyes have seen ~~~ This is when one goes through life with NO moral fiber or code. They care not about other feeling people.These people use other people. They do and say what will achieve the desired outcome for the moment, what a terrible burden to live this way... Hmmm.... CAn U sAY Sociopath?.... Or Salesman , .....Or ??
br> You Can't change the Devil. But the Devil will surely change you
CARPE DIEM!! <~~SEIZE THE DAY!!... ****'Til we next do the dance ( of life, ya know )......
" The Best way to Predict your Future.... is to create it!". So..go to it!!!!
************and maybe try this*****Oh, blah, blah, blah , blah, blah******I know, anyway************ BEGIN THE DAY with the image, picture or paradigm of the end of your life as a frame of reference or the criterion by which everything else is examined. By keeping that end clearly in mind, you can make certain that whatever you do on any givin day does not violate the criteria you have defined as supremely important, and make each day of your life contribute in a meaningful way to the vision you have of your life as a whole.
******************** And love being here!...or... < MARS CONSPIRACY? >
Does a fish have to wait a 1/2 hour after eating before swimming? ....And what the hell are Lincoln Logs anyway?
~Yellow is a very interesting color~ Think
(is your mouth watering???)
Now, Think... Man
(Is your stomach turning?) heheeee
********************** ... And,...in this world we live in... did you know telling the TRUTH is A REVOLUTIONARY ACT. ********************************* ...2-10-99 Well.. My nephew turns 22. He's GROWING UP, What a CON-cept!..."Growing up" WHO WANTS IT!!~~
RuBBer Bisket?! bow, bow, bow... ( link doesn't work.. just practicin') :)
My (so carefully picked, unassuming,and realistic, with radio button quickness!)interests:
R&B/ Soul
Rock and Roll~ But of course!
BEING REAL! LOVING REAL, & LAUGHING for real.. Saying what you feel, giving a good schpeeL, Someday having a house on the heel. J/K..if you even got that.
Current Events~ MAN, they aquitted him!?! What the Hell was this all for? A"BIG" slap on the Presidential hand...Oh, OUCH! ( not so current, Vik , oh well still very funny stuff)
Pets~ My 2 cats are actually people re-incarnated. One is incredibly smart..the other..well he's our sidekick
Singing is one of my trips
Climbing{I have}
Biking {Got one!}
Skiing (excel mucho!), Snowboarding (a few times, it was easy) I used to race a jetski, it's the same in theory..sort of.
Camping/Traveling/MUSIC FESTIVALS! ? is coming! Working on friends computers. ( not any more ..got some bigger fish to frey, lately ) Asking lots of questions. Being Free! Again, I am a singer/entertainer/songriter/vocalist extrodinaire-es ( I'm really just a freak ) ::smile:: I swear people have clapped. Some even give a standing libation! in the colorful places I have sang. hehe
I am still searching out that wonderfully visceral, aggressively trance inducing, group of jellin' musicians to see my passionate,intensely groove oriented music to it's true heights.(((HUG the sounds))) They hug you!::OHM::~