This is where the reults for the poll are kept. Next to each name is the number of votes they have recieved. If there is no number then there is an understood zero. Your vote may not yet have been entered but will be as soon as possible. Note: I am using the North American Names

1. Who is your Favorite Character?

2. What is your favorite Episode?
*Make your own selection*

3. What is your favorite moment in SF2V?
EG: Ken is fighting Ryu [ep1] and pull out his underwear
*Make your own selection*

4. What version of SF2V is your favorite?

5. What is your favorite episode?
*Make your own selection

6. Other than SF2V what is your favorite Anime Series?
*Make your own selection*

7. What is your favorite Anime Movie?
*Make your own selection*

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