For the curious, here is
a small profile i have put together of myself that outlines various facets
of my personality and other stuff like that.
Victor -N-
Age: 16 Height: Errr, unsure Weight: The only weight scale in the house is broken Born: 31/01/82, Australia Resides: Melbourne, Australia Nationality: Asian (Vietnamese)/Australian Occupation: Student |
Food(s): Chinese, Vietnamese and Pizza TV Show(s): Seinfeld, Friends and The Simpsons Movie(s): Bad Boys, Face Off and Terminator 2 Ninja Turtle(s): Raphael from the Cartoons and Donatello from the Movies Song(s): Thug Luv (2pac and Bone) Unforgiven II (Metallica) I Ain't Mad at Cha (2pac) Spice Girl(s): Most probably Posh |
The Internet, Playing Pool, Music, etc. etc.
Ambitions: World Dominance, or if that doesn't work out then i dunno. |