skarey presents wholly unbelievable nonsense (music??)

SKAREY. peach is going to be my first "album"..
i use the term lightly because i can't get a
record deal...but i'm okay with that..i'm patient..

you can download the song PEACH here, as well as any other nonsense that you might want...some other songs that won't be on peach, or old songs that i'm not proud of...
on all of these songs i play guitar and write the lyrics, on some occasions sing, and do the effects and drum programming...guests and such would be noted by specific song...otherwise it's me all alone and lonely..

you can email me at [email protected] if you have anything random to ramble about, hopefully music-related, or if you want to just talk...


Packed in so Tightly

and that's it for now...!

soon you will be able to download the
whole thing but not yet...

"that feeling that people love to say they
can't describe is gone and the color
has left its cheeks, its picture was never
in the paper because no one misses it,
and no one cares except me, but apparently
i don't either just please explain to me
why i do this and YOU too, i want to know
who possessed you that night to tear yourself
away from me and i suppose a tiny part of
you, but you were never there, so did it
ever matter..actually what i want to know
is that and why you are a cold murderer of
the soul and its body, give or take the
heart for those lost loners like you, so
i heard you didn't care i'm speechless,
i've never heard a bird sing or a piano
speak or a wolf cry,
all that's left is me who's empty gone and free"