Johnny Q. Public

In 1995, Johnny Q. P1ublic released their first CD, "Extraordinary," on a young Gotee label. This release, which turned out to be their one and only, was surprisingly mature despite the young ages of some of the band members. In fact, it earned them a few nominations for Dove Awards in February '96 (Alternative/Modern Rock Album of the year, Metal/Hard Rock song of the year {"Scream"} and Alternative/Modern Rock Song of the year {"Body Be"}). They didn't take any of the awards home though, as they were amidst some tough competitors (Sixpence, Charlie Peacock and Holy Soldier), but it did earn them some recognition.

In mid-March '96, they began playing on the Salt Box Tour along with Petra, Whiteheart and Grammatrain. This tour ended in the latter part of May, after which the band began to tour again, hitting some of the summer festivals. I personally got to see them play at the Sonshine Festival in early July. They put on an excellent show that left the crowd's ears ringing. However, this was the last I heard of them, and it was not long afterwards that I found out they had gone their separate ways.

Dan Fritz (lead vocals) landed a job as a speaker at the '97 British Meltdown Festival. Brian DuVall (drums) was rumored to have formed a band called Volcano with ex-Whitecross bassist Brent Denny. However, the most successful ex-member was, perhaps, the young and talented Oran Thornton (lead guitar) who in 1998, along with his brother Trevor, Adam McGrath and Eve Hill, released "The Perfect Kellulight" under the name Flick.

Enter 1999. After an abscence of over three years, has indeed gotten back together and signed on with Roadrunner Records (secular label). Their much anticipated second album is due out on the first day of the new mellenium.

Johnny Q. Public was:

Dan Fritz: Lead vocals
Oran Thornton: Lead guitar
Shawn Turner: Guitar
"Stretch": Bass
Brian DuVall: Drums

Leftover Links

June '96 interview w/ Shawn, "Stretch" and Brian

The Johnny Q. Public Discussion Zone


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