
Here's my thoughts on what were'e here for and how I think we should live. It's "The Basic Tenets of Life".

  • 1. The purpose in life is to have fun
    -To enjoy oneself for as long as possible during one's life is the goal of everyone. How this is done is only governed by you. If you feel that by commiting a crime, as stated by the community, gives you fun, then you must also be smart enough to realize the consequences. Sure, doing something will give you fun at present, but in the future if you gain more pain from the act, why do it?

  • 2. Live in the present, but be aware of the future.
    -The past cannot be changed, so why bother brooding over missed oppurtunities? The only purpose of history is so we can laugh at our mistakes and make sure we don't make them over again. If we keep lingering over one bad instance of time, you will not be very happy. Enjoy what you have right now. The only thing you can change is the future, so make sure to make good, smart decisions. Think it out very carefully before commiting to it, because even though it might seem good in the immediate future, will it really be good in the distant?

  • 3. Treat everyone as God
    -Scientifically, all known animals including humans are carbon-based life forms with DNA. Therefore there are only the slight subtleties that seperate us from our fellow brethren. So why beat up someone from a different race? For is he not also a human?
    -Religiously, the three monotheistic religions of Judaisim, Christianity, and Islam believe that god created all. Therefore, we should all be God's creations. We are all equals in the eyes of God- all humans included. Why should you care if someone is not following his "designated path?" He'll just go to hell right? Do your part by treating all humans as equals, because they were all created from the same source.
    -In Hinduism and Buddhism, we are all God, but just changed in form to be human, or mouse, or elephant. The inner soul is part of the greater collective of souls, forming the oneness of all-being. This all-being can be considered as God. So in a way, I may be a section of god's right hand, while you might be somewhere on the on his face. Would a person ever strike himself on the face with his own hands? No, so on this basis one should treat others and oneself as equals, since we are all part of the same grand scheme of things.

  • 4. Avoid needless conflicts
    -Why fight, when you could spend that time doing something productive? Conflicts are just pointless, because they result in either one person losing all power and right to believe, or a split decision that will never truly be mended. They take away from enjoying life with a person, moving you against a person. This also ties in with toleration of others. People are by nature ignorant little beings who know nothing of how the world really is--at least that's how most people find others to be. Well, others might not know what they're doing, but just telling them once that they're wrong is enough. If they aren't going to change their opinion now, why would they ever change their opinion? Leave them alone to brood over their own misfortune, and let the fittest survive. Don't bother arguing or they'll try to change your opinion.

  • 5. Never be ignorant
    -Ingnorance leads to surreal happiness. Try to seek the truth in everything-- people actions might indicate something, but people's motives reveal so much more. Like I said, everyone thinks that you are an idiot who doesn't know what you're doing. However, there is bound to be someone who has the wisdom to teach you life lessons that you need to know. Listen to these people and learn well from them, so you don't have to suffer learning the hard way first-hand.

  • 6. Be aware, alert, and far-sighted
    -Try to make sure you know everything about the people and places around you. Making quick, smart decisions depends upon already knowing the outcomes and possibilities before ever doing anything. If you keep your eyes alert and remember everything that happens, then your decisions will be based more on reality than probable guessing.
    -Think about every possible solution to a problem, no matter how stupid it seems. This way, other people who are stupid can be better predicted. Of course don't get so caught up in the future all the time-- otherwise, you won't be enjoying the present.