Multitasking – able to run several different programs at the same time.

Preemptive – operating system is in complete control over which process runs next and for how long. Windows 95, MS-DOS and 32-bit Windows-based programs are preemptively multitasked.

Cooperative – application determines when the thread stops executing.

Windows 95 has following start up modes. (Press F8 before Windows starts)

  • Normal
  • Safe
  • Safe with network support
  • Logged
  • DOS Command Prompt
  • Step-by-step confirmation
  • Safe mode
  • Command prompt only

  • * Safe mode will give you a default Windows 95 configuration so you could troubleshoot.

    Start up problems could be from - hardware device, device driver, momory management, O/S, application

    Purpose of Windows 95 Registry
    To maintain system and program data.
    It is stored in two files : system.dat and user.dat in windows directory

    What is the name of the backup registry files that were created when Windows was being installed?
    System.da0, user.da0 in Windows directory. (hidden files)


    HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT – stores information about OLEs (Object Linking Embedding) and file extensions.
    HKEY_CURRENT_USER – contains user-specific settings for the system and programs. On current user
    HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE – contains specifications for the computer, drivers, and other system Settings (NIC, IRQs, monitors, keyboard, HD, FD, CD-Rom, printer…)
    HKEY_USERS – contains information about all the users of this workstation. This is where the information for each user is stored. (various default settings for programs, event schemes, desktop configurations, and so on.)
    HKEY_CURRENT_CONFIG –contains information about the current configuration of the hardware attached to the computer. Used mainly when there are multiple configurations available to the computer. The information is copied from the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE key.
    HKEY_DYN_DATA – contains the dynamic status information for various devices. This is generated every time the system starts up.

    Minimum requirements for Windows 95

    Software requirements

    DOS 3.21, Windows 3.1, Windows NT 3.1 OS/2 2.0

    Recommended for Windows 95

    How do you close a program when it freezes? Press "CTRL + ALT + DEL"

    How do you navigate to different applications? ALT + TAB

    What command is used to edit registry? Regedit

    What is the function of resource meter and system monitor? To see how memory is being used.

    What are the ways to install Windows 95?

    How do you create a start up disk for Windows 95?

    Go in to control panel -> add remove programs -> start up disk
    *Start up disk is used to boot up the system in case the Operating System fails to load.

    What are virtual memory and virtual machine?

    The 80386 processor introduced the ability to map any memory location to any address. Windows 95 offers virtual memory using mapping capabilities. This memory virtualization allows each program to behave as if the program had its own physical RAM.