Netware Admin 4.1 PART 1

  1. By using Netware file compression feature, you can save up to 63% of the file size.
  2. When a user deletes several files on a server and then deletes the directory that these files resided in, the deleted files will be stored in the Deleted.sav file.
  3. The two properties without which, a user object can not be created are login name and last name.
  4. There can be only one [Root] per NDS tree.
  5. The [Root] object can contain Country, Organization, and Alias.
  6. Container objects are used for organizing the NDS objects.
  7. The Country object can contain Organization.
  8. Organization object can be placed under Country.
  9. Alis is a leaf object.
  10. What leaf object can be used for grouping only user? Group.
  11. Files and directories are stored on which NDS objects? Volume
  12. Which can be used to create and manage NDS objects? NETADMIN and NetWare Administrator(NWADMIN)
  13. Which one of these NDS objects cannot have Create rights? Leaf
  14. The context is used to locate where an object can be found in the NDS tree.
  15. Which name is a typeless distinguished name? .April.CORP.SCS
  16. Which of the following names is a typeful distinguished name? .CN=April.OU=SCS.O=CORP
  17. The home directory is used for storing private files belonging to user.
  18. To change context to one container above the current context, use the command CX.
  19. Which is not a container object? Organizational Role.
  20. Which tool can be used by users to manage NDS? NWADMIN.
  21. NDS classifies all network resources into 29 different objects.
  22. Bindery database is the same as Flat database.
  23. Which of the following is an NDS object type? Domain object.
  24. Which of the following is an NDS optional object? Country
  25. An object consists of Name, Property, and Value.
  26. Which NDS object represents invalidated or corrupted objects? Unknown.
  27. NDS naming impacts the following NDS task: Login
  28. Which abbreviation represents a leaf object? CN
  29. When you request a particular network resource, you must identify the object�s context so that NDS can find it.
  30. Current context defines where you are in the NDS tree at any given time.
  31. NDS Naming impacts the following NDS task: Resource Access.
  32. Which abbreviation represents an Organizational Unit? OU.
  33. Which command allows you to change your workstation�s current context? CX.EXE
  34. Typeful names use attribute type abbreviations to distinguish between the different container types and leaf objects in NDS names.
  35. Which is NOT an NDS replica type? Primary
  36. You should split a partition holding more than 5,000 objects.
  37. Which of the following best describes Subordinate Reference replica?

Subordinate Reference replica is created automatically on a server when it contains a parent replica, but not any of the children.

38. Which is NOT a time server? Master Reference

39. Which of the following best describes Primary time server?

Primary time server is a time provider or time consumer.

40. Which configuration file would you use to configuring time synchronization using the custom configuration method? TIMESYNC.CFG

  1. The default method of time configuration relies on this protocol: SAP
  2. File server name is limited to 2 to 47 Characters.
  3. Volume name is limited to 2 to 15 Characters.
  4. In NetWare the volume name must end with a ":"
  5. Which NetWare directory holds sample TCP/IP configuration files? ETC
  6. Which NetWare directory holds NLMs? SYSTEM
  7. Which NetWare directory holds login utilities? LOGIN
  8. Which NetWare directory holds executables used by end users? PUBLIC
  9. In which directory would you install user applications? APPS
  10. In which NetWare directory would you create data directories? DATA