Goodbye, and Thanks for Listening

Aim: To assure you that this really is the last page and you won't have to listen to any more of my incessant ramblings anymore. So go out and play!

So, thats that then. I hope I have answered the call for help which so many of my tour players have passed on to me, and I'm glad I can contribute to the world of Links in some way. I have no consideration (or respect) for the people who wish I would keep this to myself ( whats the betting they're also reading this though ?!), I believe it's a good thing to stimulate an improvement in peoples games, to provide more competition, and more fun for all. Having said that, I dont know what they are complaining about, this wont make you a legend overnight, you'll have to work at it, and most of this guide is focussed towards improving your mental game, and attitudes rather than just throwing numbers at you. It's this learning through experience which I believe should separate the champions from the others, and not the lack of knowledge which keeps some players fighting to keep up with some others. Anyone that doesnt want this document to be seen by everyone is living in a very sad and lonely world indeed. I hope you have also paid attention to my sections on etiquette and enjoying the game, which is., after all, supposed to be fun and friendly. I suggest you think long and hard about packing it in if you dont enjoy it, and if you dont play for fun and friendship. If you are obsessed with winning and scores, you are always going to be a loser.....if you want to brag about something, try real golf and then come back to me when you make a 59.....Please, let me remind you once again that I am NOT the number one player in the world, so this guide is not perfect, but it is a combination of years of experience, a lot of research and hard work and some contributions from a few other helpful people. Take what you need, ignore what you don't but accept this guide in the spirit it was intended, as a gesture of friendship to the many wonderful people I've had the pleasure in meeting in my Links career, and I hope this goes some way to creating a more level playing field for all, and a keener level of competition. My final words must be to thank the many wonderful people who've come into my world since my Links journey began. You are too many to list individually, but you know who you are, particularly those of you that have assisted me in running this site, and my events and tours, and those of you that I've had the pleasure of playing in a tough and friendly game of are all "ACES" in my book !

Yours Sincerely

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© March 1999, LDSD Tour Productions. Written and researched by LDSDBomber (Lee Harris). This material must not be split up or compromised in any way. It can be freely distributed amongst the Links community provided it remains intact in its original form without modification, and that a link to my website including the name "LDSDBomber" is clearly displayed on your website's front page if you advertise this document.