Links to More Help

Aim: If you still need help after all this, you are in big trouble ! haha, only kidding, here's a list of other resources on the web which you can check out for yourself, I'm sure you'll agree then that this is the most complete version ! haha...apologies to those I've missed off, it's not intentional, just hard to remember all the places I've seen tips and charts pages.


Ernie Barnes
A very good friend of mine, and one of the top guns on this tour. Ernie's site offers a whole raft of charts and info, as well as his now legendary guide to the Zen of Cybergolfing ! Also host to the incredible "Ace Book" where Ernie shows how you can ace all the holes in LS99, it certainly seems to work for him!

Not a personal accquaintance, but well known to me, especially for his pioneering work at Devil's Island. I thought my 65 was good, but Firehead goes 3 better than that AND provides detailed information to help you "Master the Devil"

Ottawa Golf
One of the earliest places I found help for during my LS98 career.Included here for nostalgic reasons, I am told the information has been updated to account for the newer version of Links LS

The Tee to Green magazine at Webring provides good tips from Rick Doty (the famous RDHacker) and the even more famous Paul Willey, and includes the well-known "powerstroke article"

Dan Perry
Again, one of the first sites I encountered long ago, and still going strong. I checked this out recently, and there is a whole load of new and interesting stuff here, definitely worth a visit.

Gofer's Site:
Included on recommendation from my good friend Miles Chua, who runs the LDSD interviews section, and is generally full of enthusiasm and positive energy.If it's good enough for him, it's good enough for me.

MileszChua's Page
And naturally enough I conclude with Miles' site, not only including interviews with winners on the LDSD Tour, but also with other famous names from the Links community.Also includes lots of other stuff, including a golf glossary and some putting physics.


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