Character Sheets

All of these files have been tested under Word 97 and look good there!

Normal Character Sheet -- 11KB Great Character sheet has a really good layout.
Normal Character Sheet -- 8KB Another good sheet, has less fancy fonts than the above one.
Normal Character Sheet -- 22KB This sheet has a front and a back sheet. It also has a few little graphics.
Cleric Prayer Sheet -- 4KB Keeps track of your Prayer and Quest Spells
DM Player Info -- 2KB Keeps track of stats of each player and order of movement through dungeons and suff.
EQ Sheet -- 3KB Keeps track of what Equipment you have and where it is on your body.
Fighter Character Sheet -- 6KB A Character sheet made especially for fighters.
Item Found Sheet -- 2KB A sheet to keep track of what treasure and stuff has been found over a adventure.
Mage Character Sheet -- 6KB A Character sheet made especially for Mages.
Mage Spell Sheet -- 4KB This is a sheet to let a mage keep track of his spells.
Priest Character Sheet -- 7KB This sheet is designed specifically for priests.
Psionic Sheet -- 6KB A sheet for making a psionic character.
Special Powers Character Sheet -- 6KB This is a character sheet to take advantage of the special power rules.
Spell Sheets -- 4KB This is a fancy spell recording sheet.
Spell Sheets -- 3KB This is a less fancy spell recorder that is an Excel based file.
THAC0 and Fumble Tables -- 5KB This is just a table for THAC0 and fumbles.
Thief Characte Sheet -- 6KB This is a character sheet made for thieves.
XP Sheet -- 2KB Sheet for recording XP on an adventure.