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-The Internet Gaming Zone : This is my alltime favorite, the bestest site ever and probably
the only reason why we could forgive Microsoft for what they messed up with DirectX.
Although we can't complain anymore with version 5. Finally.
-Altavista: I know I worshipped Yahoo before but then I found the real stuff.
-Mirabilis-ICQ download site : It's not really the site that makes the difference but the program: ICQ.
It is a real easy to use chat-program, it makes file-transfer a breeze
and you can send messages to the person while he is offline and they pop
up as soon as he gets online, etc.etc. I could go on forever, baby.
-Homer's Warez : Cool and usefull
-Bemine Greetings: for the romantic souls out there; you can send your loved ones
a warm and loving message IF they have some sort of e-mail or otherwise
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