The Weekly 411
The purpose of the weekly 411 is to let DOH members get any personal proplems or thoughts out in the open. Anyone that wants a 411 posted just email it to DOH. Thanks again all.
7/02/1999-Leadership by Crown Destroyer
Man being the leader of DOH has been so fun. The recuiting, the order games, and web site
creation have been hard work but well worth the time and effort. I must admit that when
Hempmaster first told me that he was leaving and he wanted me to lead DOH I really didn't know
what to type...I was just a 27 point shield and I had no clue how to run an order. When I
accepted leadership I was left with an order that had lost it's 3 best players(Hempmaster, Sith
Lord, Lette). I thought that DOH would quickly die and forever be erased from the order list of
bungie net. Oh how wrong I was. DOH has grown into a 12 member clique thanks to the hard
work of myself, Doomsay, and Wart. From the jokes of Justin and Doomsay to the shear
increasing skill of Angel and Wart you guys(and girls) never cease to amaze me. Now I know that
I'm not the best solo player in this order or the best team player but I'm really trying my best to be
a good leader for everyone in DOH. BUT...over the past couple of weeks I've seen 2 members of
DOH that could quite possibly be better leaders than me. So I'm asking, no telling you all to make
a decision about who will lead DOH into the future...