1. what is your
nick in irc? Joonie/Loonie
2. optional<what is your nickname?hmm Joonie hehe
3. how did u come about joining
#ultimate-warez? Moontan and Moonbabe
4. do you feel like a family in
#ultimate-warez?even though I do have family here I do
believe we are all a family and it hurts when someone leaves
5. if you were to change something about
#ultimate-warez what would it be? I don't think I would
change anything, its perfect
6. where do you live? Minnesota
7. what is your favorite tv-show/movie? Ok I love news radio but they are cancelling it and I love just shoot me
and Friends, Oh I love most of the NBC night comedies
8. what is your favorite little saying/quote? hmm you tell me
9. what is your favorite kind of music u like? Rock and Roll baby, hard rock
!!woo Joonie is HOTT!!