MY BIG MLM SECRET: HOW TO TURN THE FEATURES OF YOUR MLM PROGRAM INTO BENEFITS THAT WILL MAKE PEOPLE WANT TO JOIN YOUR PROGRAM! To get people to join your MLM program, you've got to show benefits. Lots of benefits. But first you need to know the benefits of your program so you can create your ads, flyers, lead generating letters, postcards, sales letters and other communication pieces that�s going to either get someone to ask for more information or sign-up directly. The problem is that you probably don�t know the benefits of your program. So when you create your communication pieces you often get very few or no responses. Everyday I get flyers in the mail promoting some MLM program... with no benefits mentioned. I get email messages about various MLM opportunities�but no benefits are mentioned. I get postcards, lead generating letters, and sales letters...but there�s barely a mention of benefits. Straight to the garbage they go. After all, the items didn�t breakdown the specifics of the program in terms that I thought were valuable. So, why should I read their material? What you need to do is transform the features of your MLM program into benefits your prospect wants and understand. Then you can create communication pieces that get responses. To do this you need to create two modules:
YOUR FEATURES BLOCK In your features block you need to list all the features of your program. It�s very important that you do a good job of developing this section because this section is the foundation from which your other module will be built. So brainstorm hard. Write down all the elements, components and specifics about:
Let�s examine each of these elements in more detail. You may think of others on your own. Don't limit the features of your program to what I�ve listed above. Your Company�s Compensation Plan Write down everything you understand about the pay plan. How many levels? Is there a potential for spillover? Can you build infinitely wide? How many levels down can you be paid? What�s the minimum product order to qualify for commissions on level 1, 2, 3 or whatever? How many people does one need to sponsor to have their commission checks cover their monthly product purchase? These questions should get your juices flowing. Your Company�s Product Line Here you what to list the specifics about your company�s product line. What types of products does your company carry? Nutritional? Personal Care? Skin care? Pet care? Telecommunications? MLM leads? MLM support services? Which products are the most popular? Which products give fast results when used regularly (like within 30-days)? How many products does your company carry? Is there a money back guarantee if someone isn�t satisfied? Again, these are sample questions to get you thinking about your own MLM program. Your Company�s Distributor Support And Training System Hopefully you�ve joined with a distributor friendly company. Meaning the company has spent some of its own money to develop ways of recruiting new members. Sadly most companies could care less. Ask yourself: does your company offer a monthly training newsletter or training conference calls? A postcard system you can plug right in to? How about a lead generating system (and I�m not talking about mailing list rentals)? Does your company or upline group offer an online recruiting system? I�m not talking about whether your MLM company has a web presence. I mean do they have an effective email and online recruiting system you can plug into? Most likely not. This is why you�ve purchased this book, right? In a nutshell, what kind of training and support services does your company provide that DOES NOT rely on you pestering your auntie Sue and cousin Ed? Hopefully your company has techniques they teach that will help you recruit nationally and on the Internet. The Support And Training You And Your Upline Give New Members This section is probably the most important section you need to create. But most people make the mistake of concentrating too much on their company�s products and compensation plan. What people really want to know is how YOU plan to help them make money in your program. So start listing all the methods you and your upline are using right now to build a sales forces.
And the list goes on.You really need to concentrate on this section. The features you develop here will be used to create benefits that will be the main thrust of your future communication pieces. So think about every possible way that you and your upline will use to help every new member be successful. YOUR BENEFITS BLOCK Now that the easy work is done, it�s time to create the section that means the most to your prospects -- the benefits block. Here you transform the features of your program into words your prospects will gladly risk their money to obtain. But first you must know what your prospects want. People want money, better health, lower prices on quality goods. They want to look and feel sexier. They what personal attention when they have questions. They want to join a program with a clearly defined success system. They want to cover their product purchase when they sponsor 5 - 10 people. They want to promote a product line they�d be proud to sell to their mothers. They want products that perform as advertised. These are just a few of the things people are looking for when they read your communication piece. Whether it be a postcard, flyer, sales letter, brochure, etc. When they don�t see one of these benefits, or a benefit I failed to mention, they quickly turn away from your literature. So in your "benefits block" you must list how each and every feature from your "features block" helps your prospects achieve what they want. Write down how the particulars of your compensation plan, product line, company support and training, your upline's support and training -- will help them get what they want. Write down how and why they will get more money from your compensation plan? Write down how and why they will their health will improve after using your products? Write down how and why they will look and feel sexier after using your miracle cream? The "how" and the "why" will help you build your benefits block. To make this exercise easy, start each benefits sentence with the words "YOU GET...!" And then tell them what they get. After you do this you should have pages full of benefits. Benefits that will get people to show an interest in your MLM program. What you need to do now is decide what benefits are the best benefits to lead with. Should you lead with product benefits and money benefits? You must decide which medium you�ll be advertising in. Once you decide, you should list the top 2 benefits you believe people want and now you are ready to create a communication piece that will get responses. The top 2 benefits you come up with should be the main thrust of your communication piece. Focusing on no more than two benefits when you create your ad, flyer, sales letter, postcard, etc. -- will help you create a more powerful document. |