Starcraft News

Total War Network - Redcloak 16:25 CDT
                       The StarCraft section of TWN has announced some new tournaments. The
                       first is a 1v1 tournament, any race can be select, and it must be played on
                       a Blizzard map. The second is a 2v2 tourney on Dire Straits, now that's
                       serious fun. You can see the tournament page here.

              Back Up - Redcloak 16:01 CDT
              is back up with their new layout after being hacked. Not
                       much more I can say about that.

                       World Gamers League - Redcloak 15:56 CDT
                       The announcement of the termination of the ISL's current season, and
                       changes to the way they will be operating have spawned the World
                       Gamers League (WGL). You can read the full post about the league here.


                       Ladder Resets - Redcloak 18:31 CDT
                       There's a whole load of ladder resets today as they had to make two posts
                       for all the names. You can see the abusers names listed here and here.