level 1 Dam

Level 1 MISSION 1: Arkangelsk Time cheat: Level 1: Dam Paintball Mode Secret Agent 2:40: To get the cheat, just keep moving (no stopping) all the way through the gates, pick off the guard heading towards the alarm. Destroy that alarm, then destroy the lock and finish off the other alarms on the three towers. Then Bungee off the platform from the second tower. Primary Objectives: Agent: Bungee jump from platform. Secret Agent: Neutralize all alarms, Bungee jump from platform. 00 Agent: Install covert modem, Intercept data backup, Neutralize all alarms, Bungee jump from platform. If you follow the cheat you will have no problem on the hard setting. Their is a sniper rifle on the first tower but you don't need it. If you need protection just follow the truck and when it goes through the gates as well. On the very easy level there is armor in the second tower. Go through the two gates and kill the guard heading for the alarm. Destroy that alarm and the other 3 alarms later on the towers outside the compound. Open the gate after the alarm and you will see crates to your right. On the other side is a small terminal and that's where you have to install the modem. Destroy the lock and open the other gate and you will see the other three towers in the distance. Go in the first tower, destroy the alarm and go down the stairs. Sometimes the guard on top of the tower will follow you. Kill the two guards then open the little chain door then go left. You will meet a lot of resistance on the way. On the far end is a door and that is were you have to intercept your data. There is around 4 guards in this room. Just click on the mainframes on the left and that's all. Head back the other way until you reach were you first started. Then head that way all the way to the end. More resistance this way as well. Open the small door on your right and kill the alarm above the stairs and head back the way you came before until you reach the middle tower that you missed for a reason. Destroy the alarm above the stairs like before then exit the tower and their is the platform in which you need to jump off.
