Graphic novels collect several issues of Pokémon Comics into one handy book. Check out the offerings from Viz Comics!
Pokémon: Pikachu Shocks Back
Viz Graphic Novel
The bestselling comic (over 200,000 copies of each issue sold) is now a handy Pokédex-sized graphic novel with four bonus color pages! When a kind Ponyta trainer is hurt, Ash takes her place in the Pokémon Racebut can he win against an opponent who cheats? Team Rocket shows up to cause trouble in their first appearance in the manga! And finally, when Ash finds a whole herd of wild Pikachu, will he let his own Pikachu join them?
Pokémon: Pikachu Shocks Back is written and drawn by Toshihiro Ono and based on the TV series created by Tsunekazu Ishihara and Satoshi Tajiri. It is 168 pages long, b&w with 4 color pages, and retails for $12.95 US/$20.50 CAN.
Keep up with the Pokémon storyget the latest Pokémon comics. Already, Pokémon adventure comics appear in six different Japanese publications, including KoroKoro comics, with some translations available from Viz Communications. To learn more about Pokémon comics from Viz Communications, you can visit www.vizkids.com, or write to the following address:
Viz Communications, Inc.
P.O. Box 77010
San Francisco, CA 94107