

Pokemon Trading Card game

Here is The Wizards of the Coast mall tour schedule

6/19 - 6/20 Portland, OR The Game Keeper Clackamas Town Center
12000 SE 82 Ave.
Portland, OR 97266
7/2 Columbus, OH   Red White and Boom
7/9-10 Minneapolis TBD Mall of the America
7/17-18 Dallas Babbage’s/EB TBD
7/24-25 Houston Babbage’s/EB TBD
7/31-8/1 New York Game Keeper TBD
8/7-8 Washington DC Game Keeper TBD
8/14-15 Baltimore TBD TBD
8/21-22 Cleveland TBD TBD
8/28-29 Detroit TBD TBD
9/4-5 Chicago TBD TBD

Pokemon Trading Cards Links

The Official Pokemon TCG Website
Yahoo Auctions- Pokemon Trading cards

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