Just an assault course or more???
The Maze:
If you look around Lara's house it is inevitable that you will run into the 'maze'. Some where inside the maze is a swich which opens the celler door in Lara's house, but you have to be quick (very quick) of the celler-door will close.
A map of the hedge maze.
This is how to get to the switch: when you enter the maze just go left every time exceptwhen the only option is to go right. When you reach a hall with two opeanings, one straitahead and one to your right, go down the one to your right. You will then drop down into a hole, just follow the wall untill you come to the end. When you gat out of the hole you will see a switch infront of you. Don't press it yet get the flairs first, so you can get throuth the tunnel quicker abd see in the celler. Remember no messing around cos the door closes very quickly. It is a good idea if you have memorised the way through the maze first, to make it quicker and easier to get out.
Cool Things To Do In Lara's House:
-To relax, just press the button next to the sterio and some music will start playing.
-If you press "s" during the game it will take screen shots and put them in your Tomb Raider 2 directory on your hard disk.
-(PC users) When Lara pulls herself up to a lege, hold the Shift-key and she'll do a handstand.
-You can stand in the kitchen sink.