Q. 2.How do you save a GTA game?
A. There is a
file you can use, find it and use it.
Q. 3. Where's the Boat?
A. You can add the Boat with J
25"Junction 25" because you can't get it. You can also see it in two missions.
Q. 4. Is there any way I can find
extra information about Junction25?
Because it is really hard to build
bridges,stairs and police routs.
Q. 5. Well I downloaded an add-on
of JUNCTION25 so you can edit police routs...
Well I'm sorry but still nothing
A. There is a link to the J 25
home page on my Site. -Cooler again
Q. 6. How do i get the "Spice Girls"
to follow me?
A. Try punching their Leader